I want to give recognition to those who made Flintlocks possible. This list will be updated as development continues. If your credit is missing or you want your asset removed from Flintlocks open a ticket in our communications server.
GamerOkami >> Founder, scripter, builder, designer, artist, composer, and everything not listed below.
FaultyOkami >> Designed the uniforms.
GrandpaOkami >> Quality Assurance.
CloakedOkami >> Quality Assurance.
ChaoticOkami >> Quality Assurance.
Systems and Modules
Scripth >> Kohl’s Admin
Madonox >> BitAntiCheat
Inf1n1tylt >> Weather engine 1.0
Brownleaf Studios >> Advanced Zombie AI V.2
ForeverHD >> TopbarPlus
Xan_TheDragon >> FastCastRedux
Krystaltinan >> SliderService
noahrepublic >> DataKeep
no_l00p >> Ragdoll
Cookie_DevX >> Rankgun
erazias >> SafeBadges
WinnersTakesAll >> Satchel
TheCoolestTem >> Mobile Shiftlock
Phin >> Raycast Hitbox 4.01
Unknown and private accessories will not have links.
xxUtopia >> Shoulder Plant
II_Lion801 >> Beard 1
BarrelDev >> Beard 2
Olicai >> Beard 3
Roblox >> Beard 4, Monocle
Thecaster230 >> Mustache 1, Mustache 3, Mustache 4
DJSANTS >> Mustache 2
MakeTafi >> Mustache 5
TheShipArchitect >> Mustache 6, Mustache 7, Head Bandage
Pyaqy >> Sideburn 1
Movember >> Sideburn 2
KatsuoHiraku >> Sideburn 3, Sideburn 4
Marty_nas >> Duck
Triforce Nation >> Carrot
Rainbo1239 >> Eyepatch
8O8Mph >> Glasses
krokodilj >> Wheat
m_enthol >> Tricorn
LEGOEgo122 >> Bearskin
Parvolin >> Red Pouch, Rucksack 3, Rucksack 7, Rucksack 8, Rucksack 9, Rucksack 10, Rucksack 11
Shooprazhensky >> Blue Pouch, Rucksack 1, Rucksack 2
bartolinixp >> Rucksack 4
UnunitedKingdom >> Rucksack 5
Coloniez >> Rucksack 6
otoni >> Rucksack 12
SHOT5675 >> Rucksack 13
Zealocity >> Rucksack 14
SirNicholasHale >> Canteen, Sack
Meshes and Models
Private, commissioned, and off-site assets/creators will not have links.
chaweewee81 >> Wagon
EpicnessGT >> Tent
aydenspiderman4 >> Pine Tree
ayJadi >> Musket
MachoVbfg >> Target
poohler >> Torch
AUGUST8881501 >> Pumpkin
AUGUST8881501 >> Pumpkin
EndorsedModel >> Lantern
TheGoatGuyIsHere >> Tombstone
minecraftyou975 >> Bandage Crate
Megxetrs >> Hammer
cooldaniel234 >> Beartrap
ichsprechdeutsc >> Sandbag
EncryptedTechnoIogy >> Stakes
bald_rice >> Cannon
cooldeath49 >> Swab, Linstock, Roundshot
Roblox >> Turkey Leg, Turkey Head
ACP854 >> Axe Handle
ChaoticOkami >> Watch Tower
awesomebeluga4531 >> Buildings
ozanyprk (TurboSquid) >> Corn 3D Model
Sound Effects
Training Grounds:
Narration was voiced by ElevenLabs (George).
Keyrut >> Lunge
bakers >> Place
jordymac >> Rotate, Frizzen
Roblox >> Sheath
nettimato >> Drop
somedeviser >> Grab
CoderQwerty >> Pour, Spit, Insert, Remove, Tap
LordMarIborough >> Tear
cooldeath49 >> Blunt, Clang, Grunt
tyridge77 >> Flesh
ajpreturns0513 >> Fire
AleksySobieski >> Full, Half
Starbattle >> Impact
clockwork >> Release
abl42179 >> Hit
GamerOkami >> Jiggle
Hattozo >> Thud
Tabby_Cxt >> Fuse
cooldeath49 >> Canister1, Canister2, Canister3, Canister4, Canister5, Canister6, Roundshot1, Roundshot2, Roundshot3, Roundshot4, Grapeshot1, Grapeshot2, Grapeshot3, Grapeshot4
milkeguy >> Fire1
somedeviser >> Fire2
GregTame >> Fire3
The_Sink >> Fire5
cooldeath49 >> Blunt, Clang, Grunt
tyridge77 >> Flesh
Stickmasterluke >> Chop 1, Chop 2, Chop 3, Chop 4, Chop 5
Roblox >> Swing
ArbyRandom >> Place 1, Place 3, Place 4, Place 5
JimmyLJX >> Place 2
Roblox >> Construct 1, Construct 2, Construct 3, Construct 4, Construct 5, Construct 6, Construct 7, Construct 8, Construct 9, Construct 10, Construct 11, Construct 12, Construct 13, Construct 14, Construct 15, Construct 16
Roblox >>
Khaine40 >> Death 1
ostrichSized >> Death 2
GamerOkami >> Death 3, Death 4, Death 5, Death 6, Death 7, Death 8, Death 9, Death 10, Death 11, Death 12, Death 13, Death 14, Death 15, Death 16, Death 17, Death 18, Death 19, Death 20
Roblox >> Pumpkin Head
Starbattle >> Zombie Eyes
InsanelyLuke >> Turkey Leg
deathcharge415 >> Fabric, LeafyGrass, Sand
cavejoncen >> Grass, Ground
ChiaPetDie >> Mud
Zoidberg656 >> Wood, Metal
User Interface:
Roblox >> Click
Wrathorious >> Slide
Thanksgiving Event 2024:
Mistertitanic44 >> Nest
3d Yard (TurboSquid) >> Turkey Rigged 3D Model
Background Music
All background music was provided by Roblox courtesy of APM Music.
Another Battle
Escape From Darkness Suspense
Sword Fight
Heroic Combat
The Big Adventure (Underscore)
The Battle (A)
Battle Scars
Battle Is On
Approaching Battle
Prepare For Battle
Adventure Hero (Orchestra Only)
Honorable Mentions
GrandpaOkami >> Remained by my side throughout the years.
CloakedOkami >> Given valuable criticism and leadership for my past genres.
helIespont >> Maintained the game and community I left behind.