[FOR HIRE] GFX/Digital artist for hire

About Me

Hello everyone! I am a GFX artist, who enjoys making GFX in free time. I have been making GFX since July 2020 with big breaks due to school, but I am doing my best to become as good as possible in making GFX and to succeed! Below you will find more information about my GFX, if you are interested, feel free to order! I would also like to hear your opinion and what I could improve!


Scene GFX

Aesthetic GFX

Other GFX



My availability depends on the school, but most of the time I am available and I will be able to make a GFX in the required time.


Prices are negotiable, depending on the details, how many renders you want, whether it is normal or scene GFX and similar. But the most common prices I’ve done so far are 800+ robux. I also accept USD / EUR if you have paypal and want to choose this method of payment instead of robux. When you pay with robux through gamepass or t-shirt, 30% tax is also included.


Roblox account: starknown - Roblox
Discord account: starknown#3730
Graphics server: JU7kvzNvsc
Twitter account: https://twitter.com/starknown3

I am mostly available on my Discord account and server, so contact me there!

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


New GFX has been added to the showcase!


Would 100% recommend! Extremely pleased with the outcome not to mention the speed! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Hello, I would be interested in working with you.

My discord is Ryantactics#1103

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Hi, I am glad to hear. I will add you!

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It didn’t work, can you try adding me? starknown#3730

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When I try to add you it says you have to add me. Weird.


You’re not accepting friend requests, please add me: ProgrammingChaos#0001

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You’re not accepting friend requests, please add me: !Khoi#7195

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That’s weird, I will check my settings and add you. Apologies for the confusion.

Apologies for the confusion, I changed my settings. I will add you. :smile:

May want to fix that spelling there :joy:

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Might be interested, wondering if you can outline some sort of thing which was created in studio, alot of photos, yeah,
tag is joshy#6964


Hello, Love the work! I’m interested in hiring you. I sent a friend request on Discord - EEEEEEE#2027 Looking forwards to working with you, thanks.


Lmao, thanks for telling me. :joy:


Sounds good, I will be busy through next week due to a lot of exams. But maybe we can work something out!

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Awesome! I accepted it, though I am busy due to exams next week but maybe we can work something out!

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New GFX has been added to the showcase!

Added you on discord, my name is Kazuto on discord

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I sent you a friend request on Discord. I am looking forward to working with you.

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