Foxtrot Asylum Rules

Foxtrot Asylum In-Game Rules

Welcome to Caviar_s Foxtrot Asylum Roleplay! Have fun with your friends! Control riots, be a Hostile, Surveillance Director, Mad Scientist, Medical Doctor, Security, and more! What will you accomplish here at the Asylum?

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In-Game Rules
In-Game Information

Warnable Offences

  • Random Killing [|] Terminating a patient unethically or without cause. Make sure to abide by the in-game schedule and note that all staff hallways are automatically KoS for non-cuffed patients.

  • Cuff abuse [|] Cuffing a player without cause or while in combat. Please note that only Medical Staff, Experimental Scientists, and SPMD Agents can authorize the removal of patients from the Patient Transfer Zone. Friends may cuff each other so long as both sides consent and no other rules are broken.

  • Leaving to Avoid Administration [|] Leaving the game, changing teams, or attempting to reset while in the custody of a moderator. Our moderators are here to make the game a better place, please dont make their duties harder.

  • Glitching [|] Using Roblox-wide or Local glitches to break gameplay, things like glitching out of the map and purposely using tools not meant for your team fall under this rule.

  • Spamming [|] Spamming messages in chat, much to the annoyance of the players around you and on the radio.

  • Toxicity [|] T-bagging dead players, spamming “L,” etc. Our rules are here to keep our players safe and happy, do not ruin the fun.

  • NSFW [|] Practicing inappropriate actions or sending similar messages will never be allowed in our games, this rule also upholds Roblox ToS, which strongly prohibits this.

  • Teaming [|] The two main groups in our game, patients and staff, are not meant to help each other. Breaking the roleplay aspect of the game is sure to ruin the fun for many, dont be that person.

  • Lockdown abusing [|] Our game utilizes a lockdown system, however, this system is not meant to be abused and is heavily monitored by our moderation team. Lockdown 1-2 should be used for minor to major amounts of hostile entities, Lockdown 3 should only be used for Experimental Wing breaches or a complete hostile takeover.

  • Minor Bypassing: [|] Minorly bypassing the Roblox chat filter. We do not tolerate Roblox ToS breakage, but understand that some words are worse than others and should not be punished equally.

  • Trespassing: [|] Some areas of our game are hard-locked behind certain teams, the most known of which is the Experimental Wing. If you enter this area or MT/SO spawn without being on an authorized team, you will be subject to a warning. Patients and Hostiles are immune to this rule.

  • Trolling: [|] Package abusing, impersonating moderators, or deliberately using loopholes in regulations to annoy players.

  • Breaching: [|] The Experimental Wing houses many fun assets, however, we do not tolerate the unethical breaching of these items. Patients and Hostiles may breach assets as it is part of their teams goal, staff may not.

Bannable Offences

  • Exploiting [|] Using injected scripts to damage the games physical features, roleplay aspect, or general atmosphere will result in an unappealable ban.

  • Bypassing slurs [|] Major slurs or harmful language is not tolerated, if you manage to bypass these words you will be banned.

  • Breaking Roblox ToS [|] We do not tolerate Roblox ToS breakage, please make sure you are familiar with Roblox’s rules before playing our game.

  • Ban Speedrunning [|] Our moderators are busy people, they do not have time to waste on a player constantly breaking rules. If it is clear that you are just trying to be banned, you will be banned before reaching our warning limit.

Warning Limits

3 Warnings: Server Kick
5 Warnings: 72hr Timeban
8 Warnings: Permeant Ban