Fragmented Robloxian has some problems

Are you also able to make the inner area of the mouth more like close-to-flat to the face rather than having space inside?

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This can be achieved by using a data transfer modifier linked to a plane in the inside of the mouth to give it a flat effect, please consider this approach if possible.



I believe this is not an attachment issue but rather an issue with the LeftUpperArm and LeftLowerArm as they are not aligned properly with the LeftHand’s position. Example’s below.

Left Arm

Right Arm


Thank you all for looking into this. This is tremendously helpful.


Would it be possible to make it so as to when you replace the torso the arms don’t appear lower down? The torso unfortunately doesn’t match with the outfit I want to make, but replacing the torso causes the arms to appear weird.

Another issue, there’s some very obvious z-fighting on the legs that is sort of an eyesore.


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This helps with the first issue which is really annoying.

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Didn’t see that thread :sweat_smile::sweat_smile: Thanks!

Fixing this issue also broke/reverted the BodyFrontAttachments for the torso and I assume other ones too.
^ Example shown with an addon that fit on the 2nd version of the torso today.
^ Example shown with an addon that fit the release version of the bundle, before the attachment fix.

It seems like the speicifc issue is that the RigAttachments in the arms and the torso are incorrectly set. Specifically, the RigAttachments for the arms inside of the Torso are too high, and the same applies for the RigAttachments inside of the arms. You can pretty clearly see the issue in the marketplace thumbnails for the body parts:


One fix at a time. Left arm should be placed correctly now. We’re looking at the arm and torso rigs right now.


We’re a little confused about this Body Front Attachment problem.

Which add on / Accessory were you using that broke?

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Any accessory with the BodyFrontAttachment is positioned too high, it should be reverted back to the 2nd version that was made today rather than the first.

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accessories are positioned way higher


Neck attachments are also off, my necklace appears way too low in the torso.

You can also see my pin appear too high. (Which uses the front attachment)


(Normal attachments)


Why didnt they just retexture the epic face and use the classic face, honestly for 12,000 it just doesnt look right with the 3D


That’s exactly what I think, or at least add both versions, the 3D and the 2D inside the bundle.


There just pushing dynamic heads consistently like its for everyone, we should get the choice to at least choose,

if this was a classic face it could be for sale for 20k+ robux and would sell, i sometimes dont get it.
Allowing the classic face or even a blue version or something would make so much sense, we are talking 12,000 Robux !?


i wonder why it’s not a classic head and instead a dynamic face, the approach is cool, but the execution has been bad so far, i would have liked a default face that you can change but keep the fragmented part of it. for example, i don’t like to have a happy face when your body is being fragmented or whatever, what about if i want a “sad” of it? my main issue with these type of heads :7

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Just want to let you guys know our progress. We’re going to check in the following fixes in the next few hours.

  • We think we identified the torso issue.
  • Will have the fixed attachment points back.
  • Fixed the Z-fighting in the legs.

Still to fix:

  • Dynamic Head updates to closer match Epic Face for R15.
  • Anything else? (This is a long thread with a lot of comments, and we want to make sure we didn’t miss anything.)


The r6 version of it also doesn’t look quite right, with the mouth too low and the right side sagging a bit.