"Freaky" hats should not be allowed

You claim that wearing the “freaky” accessory on Roblox is equivalent to saying “come groom me”. It is an exaggerated interpretation. Yes, it can have sexual meanings in some contexts but it’s also important to remember that it’s often being used in a joking way.

It is not accurate to say that wearing the “freaky” accessory is the equivalent of inviting grooming.


Jesus Christ, the audacity to come to someone’s forum post about your disgusting behaviour and brag about the amount of money you’ve made from it. You are a horrible person if you believe that this is acceptable and you should be ashamed. You along with the 3 people who upvoted you are seriously suspicious if you believe marketing sexually explicit content to children on a children’s platform is acceptable.



I understand the implications that because it is “brainrot” that it’s not meant to be taken in a sexual context. However, wouldn’t that mean that everything else that has a separate definition from the initial one also no longer assumes the original context? You can’t just pick and choose, and make exceptions to your own logic when it benefits you. Yet you and others are.
For example, ‘gyat’ started as an exclamation that streamer Kai Cenat would say during events on his streams. It evolved into an ironic (and in ironic) way to acknowledge an attractive woman. Now, does that mean that no one can ever say “Gyat damn!” in a non-sexual content? No. You can’t just exclude other terms from that same logic if you accept that logic as your own.


You can’t actually rely on that. You can’t just say “it’s a joke, lmao” since you don’t know what the user’s intent is behind wearing it. The problem I (and lot of others) have is the fact that “freaky” (with the cursive font) has a sexual origin and is often used in a sexual way. ESPECIALLY, with this:


I’d rather keep that kind of content off the platform; anybody can say “i’m joking” when they’re not.

It’s similar to that Jenny minecraft head in the catalog, on its own it looks fine, until you bring up the fact that it’s from a porn mod

tl;dr user intent is unreliable


That’s true, but I showed the cursive definition for a reason. (Ancedote) 90% of the time, definitions from the urban dictionary fit conversations I have with people


(This may seem unrelated to your post because this was intended for a different one)

Generally directed towards: @zuovez @Bestspyboy

Adding onto this, if one of the connotations of ‘freaky’ is ironic, doesn’t that also mean that the other connotation of ‘freaky’ (sexually deviated or hypersexual) is also a valid interpretation? If so, why should it still be allowed? I mean, the only reason that a word like ‘cell’ (used to, it’s no longer banned) was banned is that it could be used to refer to a cellphone number, which directs <13 users off platform. Its other connotation (a confinement for inmates) is not taken into account. So why should it be for ‘freaky’?
I’m not even asking this rhetorically. I am genuinely interested in your reasoning for this.


Well this turned into the “badass” situation all over again, it’s pretty much this exact post but targeting a specific word


not defending the ugc creators here, just reminding people of context. my opinion remains that ugc with any sexual connotations whatsoever should not be allowed anywhere near a platform with so many young children playing it. i do feel though that calling these creators “disgusting” is a little far


roblox UGC is a mess and has been for a while
it makes them money so they dont care

its really sad


The best response.


Crazy that there’s innuendos for innuendos now


I totally get where you’re coming from. Seeing this on a primairly kids’ focussed platform is pretty disturbing. The meanings of the word “freaky” is not something that should be around kids at all.

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened, though. A while back “Straight pride” flags popped up, and yet, they’re still there.
One way to fix this might be a big cleanup, a massive “banwave” to get rid of all the inappropriate stuff. Until then, reporting these items is the best we can do to help the moderation team.
I hope this post helps bring this problem to Roblox’s attention.


if they make a banwave theyll lose money

they only care if its limiteds (since limited clones also lose them money)

they sadly wont do anything


Most of it has to be ironic (most.) However, I’m sure UGC could be lumped in with the upcoming account restrictions to prevent more restricted accounts from seeing this content, instead of outright removing it. Possibly ingame these accessories just wouldn’t appear for these users at all.

Bro pedophiles on roblox can just target any kid, it’s not specific to any ugc item


With all seriousness though, freaky hats shouldn’t be allowed. Last time I checked “freaky” was being used in a sexual context to refer to–to put it simply–deviants, and shouldn’t be allowed on Roblox. Unfortunately it doesn’t break any rules as freaky can be used in other contexts other than what we’re talking about here, so there needs to be some ground rules about stuff like this that has different meanings.

Edit: Didn’t mean to reply to you. Apologies.


They won’t lose money for a BAN WAVE or at least any noticed amount

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Nobody’s getting groomed over a hat, they can choose anyone. He’s making more money than you. Seems your salty about it, though. Your avatar reflects the same behavior.


true, they can target anyone. but a child wearing that hat would 100% be targeted more than someone who wasn’t. and defending someone who is putting sexual content onto the platform where 50% of the userbase is under 16 really makes me question what type of person you are (and I’m sure that I’m not the only one who thinks that). and not to speak for that person, but I’m sure that they’re not salty about putting children at risk


Sexual content??? someone who is “freaky” is someone who is silly. everyone who’s interpretting it as the other definition are the weird ones. sure, maybe the creator meant it like that. but it won’t make anyone more or less targetted. (until you just said so)

just defending the fact that calling the owner “creepy” is a stretch by shooting shots back. you KNOW you aren’t questioning who i am. just saying that to make me feel worse. yikes


Where did you get the definition from? the whole “freaky” trend is used with the meaning of being sexual. And you know that, don’t understand why you’re trying to go around that.

And someone wearing something sexual is most definitely going to get targeted more than someone who has a normal avatar. The ROBLOX platform is filled with creeps and having the marketplace filled with freak, breast, and other sexual items is not good.

I feel like calling someone who is uploading content that isn’t for children on a platform that is basically all children a creep is within reason. we shouldn’t be exposing children to these sorts of items. ROBLOX moderation needs to step-up and so does the community.

I am infact questioning you, including that other person too, and I feel like I have a good enough reason to do so.