"Freaky" hats should not be allowed

Anyone with two braincells knows that the the intended meaning of the word was not the intended meaning of the context or the accessories themselves. There is absolutely zero justification for uploading easily accessible content with any form of innuendo, regardless of how vague or innocuous it may seem. This platform is dominated by mobile users who mostly happen to be under the age of 13. Exposing the platform to that sort of thing, even if it’s that small, is practically opening the floodgates to child endangerment.

Instead of “following the rules”, I would strongly encourage you, (and every other UGC creator responsible for this type of content), to follow common sense and not even risk this sort of thing just because it’s guaranteed to line your pockets. You can make another accessory instead, but someone who falls down a dark rabbit hole thanks to negligence can’t just start their life over. Your actions, however seemingly small, will always have consequences, and you need to understand that.

This is exactly what happens when you automate your UGC moderation instead of actually hiring people to do it. I’m shocked there aren’t more lawsuits coming in over this.


Sadly things like this will never be addressed if they are not cared about by select people. This will most likely continue as long as Roblox keeps its profits and auditors look the other way.

Inappropriate stuff will always slip through the cracks of moderation just due to the sheer volume of uploads and outdated moderation system- this has been a very chronic issue.


literally though
I uploaded a piano sound and got an entire day ban
and before that literally TENS of warns for 0 real reason
but people can just actively break the TOS? and the only people punished are the people who don’t???


I’m assuming this is how it got past moderation.

Endanger how? You must be paranoid

Paranoid how? It’s a danger to children if you’re exposing them (as in <10 year old school-age children) to sexual content early in their lives. Do you support exposing underage children to unambiguous porn references?


Anyone who buys freaky items deserve to be put on a watchlist


Unless they’re the children these sick ***** direct their items to.

I don’t know what to say… Where are you getting porn from??? It’s a BRAINROT HAT

Have you missed the ENTIRE conversation before this? I’m not even going to summarise it if you’re going to be this stupid about it.

This has to be ragebait atp.




Thats the urban dictionary :joy:

ok, maybe it’s just the urban dictionary.
but EVERYONE here sees it as a problem.
is that enough evidence for you? or are you just gonna deny everyone and say “your just dirty minded!!!”? clearly this has enough of a sexual connotation that everyone here (excluding you and like 2 other people) sees it as being able to be used in a sexual way.
if that’s not enough for you, scroll up. there are a whole lot of clearly sexual accessories with the term “freaky” in it. that SHOULD be enough for you to find out that freaky does not mean what you think it does.


not trying to be rude here but isn’t that urban dictionary

Yes, is there an issue? The definition provided on the Urban Dictionary is accurate to what it means.


So what is the definition to you guys?

Exactly, Urban Dictionary gives the common slang usage that a lot (if not most) people would know the word for currently.

Thank you for this info, i totally forgot about that feature lol👍

It does not matter if its the urban dictionary its still outright bad slang for “I’m feeling h***ny”

How are there so much people defending this kind of stuff??? I’m tired of people saying stuff like “BBBUBUBUT-- IT’S APART OF HUMAN ANATOMY!!! HOW DARE YOU SAY IT’S BAD???” I’m so tired of these people purposefully misinterpreting the obvious that is being illustrated here.

Nobody on Roblox has ONCE ever used the boob accessories for any normal reason or whatever. Their only purpose is to look sexual and imply sexual things. These kinds of arguments are stupid. These hats and accessories should without a doubt be removed from the catalog.

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