[FREE] Discord To Roblox Group Rank Bot

What do they do?
The bots will promote people in your ROBLOX group from discord, people with a specific role in the discord server can use the commands!

Commands and how they work
?help -Shows you the commands.
?setrank - Sets the user defined to the rank number defined.
?promote - Changes the user defined rank by one above.
?demote - Changes the user defined rank by one below.
?denyreq - Denys the user’s join request.
?acceptreq - Accepts the user’s join request.
?fire - sets the user to the lowest rank possible.
?shout - Shouts on the group the message defined.
?clearshout - Clears the shouts on the group.
?currentshout - Shows the current shout and who it is by (Can be ran by anyone)

Permission Roles
Ranking Permission - Every Cmd
Shout Permission - Shout commands
Group Request Permission - Accept/Deny Request commands

All commands can be logged into a channel in the discord; Who ran them, and what they did to what user.


How to get a bot
We have moved all this information to our new post!
Many Thanks

PS: If you like this I will send you a pm (useful for Non-Members)


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