FREE! Full Game Cartoon UI Pack V2! {PSD & ROBLOX FILE}

After so much love from my first free cartoon UI pack I decided to make a second version with a slightly different style! I hope you enjoy and is useful in your development process! This time it includes the .RBXL file so you can upload it straight into your game without the annoying job of uploading and sizing all the images!

:heart: Likes & :repeat:Retweets are appreciated!

Download link: Cartoon UI Pack Created By Bylocks


This looks really good! Great work and I’m sure this will help many developers.


Looks great as always, my only suggestion would be to make the Facebook icon centered.


Yeah I understand, I did it based off of their old logo where it is off center


Oh sorry, I just like consistency. :slight_smile: :grinning:


No worries. I appreciate the comment, I always like to hear peoples critiques to better my work!


Looks really good, only thing is how many people will be using this! Good job on this, really detailed.


Is this not the same one you were selling earlier? Seems like a ripoff to the people who purchased it, since it’s free now.

The thing I am very happy this time around is that it is in a Roblox studio File which is much more easier than taking them from the psd and uploading to studio.

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I would reccomend getting rid of the Discord social media pin. I got banned for a day for uploading it.

Here is the other Free UI pack I created before this one. It does not include the .RBXL Roblox file though.

Hello, thank you and great work, this will help quite a lot of people! Personally, I won’t be using this.

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I Will definitely be using this for my game, It’s a solo project I’ve been working on but I had paused development for a few months cause I got absolutely burnt out on it. This will help out with that! Thanks, kind person.

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Such an amazing UI Pack! Great Job


This was so helpful! Thanks so much for this. I will credit you in my game.

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what font are you using in the pack?

Riffic. You can download it here:

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