Free Low-Poly Lighting

A lot of you have been asking how I have my lighting so perfect so here you go I made a copy go ahead and take the lighting and good luck with your low-poly builds :heart_eyes: 32k - Roblox


Where is it? I don’t see anything lighting related. Only a post.


This post should be moved to #resources:community-resources as you are providing free resources rather than asking for assistance


Exactly what I’ve been looking for, I’ll make sure to bookmark this


wait what kind of ship are you using?

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Looks good for me to be honest.

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Was a ship from my pirate game i used it as an example for you guys… you can check my profile in my groups at maniac tycoons ISLAND TYCOON - Roblox

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Thanks this will be very useful for future

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This might be off-topic but how did you make that boat? In blender or studio using a plugin.
Also, I always wanted that lighting, thank you!

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It was created in blender from one of my builder friends


I love it so much! Especially this cool pirate ship! Am i allowed to take the pirate ship and use it for my upcoming game and give you credit?? :smiley:


can we use that too please? :smiley:


Yes you can use it we no longer use it this is why I put the ship out for everyone to use the scripts on the ship may need to be replaced as these cannon scripts and driving scripts are pretty old now


okay can i give credit to the creator of ship tho like whats the username

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His name will not be released on here as he does not play roblox anymore

Wheres the lighting directions, like the information I can input into settings?

Not exactly sure what you mean.

Like the number I input into settings, and what type of bluur I need to add to get this lighting. Sorry, lighting clearly isn’t my forte!

You don’t need any blur to get this type of lighting. Just click the place, and it should be uncopylocked!

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