[FREE MODEL] Low Poly Trash Can

I recently started delving into 3D modeling in blender due to school now being over and the abundance of free time available to me, so I decided make a Low Poly Trash Can for anyone to use! You can find the model here: Low Poly Trash Can - Roblox
Also, heres a screenshot if you want to see what it looks like in-game:


Awesome work! What about the trees, are they also a free model? If so, could you link them?


Its like one of the only models that comes up when you search “Low Poly Tree”

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" * Significant overall ; your contributions must be more substantial than small scripts or a few individual assets. Resources that are not significant enough, too specific / not useful to many people, or too low quality should be posted in a different forum category."


However, it is a contribution. If it’s irrelevant to you, don’t use it, but it can be of great help to someone.


I would make more variants, Like a brown one. @foodman54


No, DevForum forbids this. And, as some users are starting revolutions here, those topics and genres will be the first few to be modified.


In my opinion that is terrible, we can all contribute no matter how small it is.


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And here’s what need to be done, according to @iGottic

I don’t agree much, I find it bland and full of vanity, but here’s what some people wants.


You can go on the devforums and find many posts just like this, this post LikeGetter - Instantly get a place's likes in 2 simple steps is a really great asset, but is only a single module script… so should that post be removed aswell? By that logic 90% of the assets on #resources:community-resources should be removed
If the devforum staff has a problem with me posting something free for the community to use, then they can take it up with me :grin:
Also, why post guidelines that aren’t even official? I don’t have to abide at all by what that person is saying…

I’m actually going to make a small low-poly city pack which will include more assets, including another variant of the trash can thats similar to one you would find at an amusement park, but if you want the trash can has no texture so you can just change the color if your using a MeshPart

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They are official, you would know if you read the rules as required before posting.

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There are more posts on this devforum (like I’ve mentioned in previous messages) that are only a script or a single model, but I don’t see you commenting on those aswell?