Fresh Dentist Procedure Guide

Staff Appointment Notes

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Our Game

Dental Assistant: Cleanings, Check-Ups, Sealants.
Dental Hygienist: Whitenings, Fillings, Bondings.
Dental Technician: Crowns, Retainers, Retainer Check-Up, Dentures, Veneers.
Orthodontist: Braces, Braces Tightening, Braces Check-Up, Braces Removal, Spacers.
Oral Surgeon: Extraction, Dental Implant, Wisdom Tooth Removal, Root Canal.


  1. Hand scale the client’s teeth.
  2. Use a machine scaler to scale the client’s teeth.
  3. Ask them what flavor of toothpaste they’d like, the options are mint, bubblegum or strawberry.
  4. Gently begin brushing their teeth with the gritty toothpaste.
  5. Rinse and suction.
  6. Apply fluoride treatment to the surface of their teeth.
  7. Inform them not to eat for the next hour to prevent the fluoride from rubbing off.


  1. Ask the client if they have been experiencing any issues with their teeth recently.
  2. Ask them if they brush at least 2 times a day, if they say no, recommend to them that they do.
  3. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  4. Ask them to open their mouth so you can check their teeth.
  5. Check their mouth for cavities.
  6. Check their mouth for plaque and tartar.
  7. Take an X-ray of their teeth.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Thoroughly rinse and suction the tooth.
  3. Apply etching solution to where the sealant will be placed.
  4. Use an air nozzle to ensure the tooth is dry.
  5. Prepare and apply the sealant.
  6. Ensure it’s positioned correctly.
  7. Cure the sealant with a curing light.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Place retractors into the client’s mouth.
  3. Apply protective gel over the client’s gums.
  4. Apply the whitening gel onto the surfaces of the teeth.
  5. Activate the gel using an activating light.
  6. Allow it to sit before rinsing and suctioning.
  7. Remove the protective gel from the gums.
  8. Inform your client that their teeth may be sensitive for some time after the treatment, and to not eat anything for the next hour to prevent staining.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Numb the area around where the filling will be taking place.
  3. Drill the cavity, ensuring that all infected or broken parts of the tooth are removed.
  4. Suction.
  5. Ask the client if they would like a gold, ceramic, or silver filling.
  6. Apply the filling.
  7. Set it using a setting light.
  8. Inform your client that their teeth may be sensitive for some time after the filling, and to be careful when disturbing the tooth.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Color-match a composite resin to the color of your client’s teeth.
  3. Gently abrase the surfaces of the teeth that are being bonded.
  4. Apply the resin to the surfaces of the teeth that are being bonded.
  5. Cure the resin using a curing light.
  6. Polish the surfaces of the teeth until the client is happy with the look.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Numb the gum surrounding the tooth.
  3. Isolate the tooth.
  4. Drill the tooth.
  5. Rinse and suction thoroughly.
  6. Place the crown onto the tooth.
  7. Ensure it is secure and set into place correctly.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Take impressions of their teeth.
  3. Apply plaster into the impressions, this will create an accurate replica of their teeth, and wait for it to set.
  4. Once set, place the plastic over the plaster replica, and wait for the plastic to cool.
  5. Once cooled, abrase the edges of the retainer to ensure it will fit into the client’s mouth.
  6. Place it into their mouth ensuring that they can place it in and remove it, and it fits well.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Ask them if they have been having any issues with their retainers so far.
  3. Ask them to place their retainers into their mouth.
  4. Ensure that they still fit correctly.
  5. Check that the retainers are not damaged.
  6. Ask the client to remove their retainers.
  7. Clean their retainers and hand them back to the client.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Inspect the client’s mouth.
  3. Take the client to the x-ray room and take an x-ray of their teeth.
  4. Take impressions of their teeth.
  5. Color-match the denture shade to the client’s teeth.
  6. Secure the dentures in the client’s mouth and ensure they are happy with the look and they are comfortable.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Color-match the veneers to the color of your client’s teeth.
  3. Gently abrase the surfaces of the enamel on the teeth that you are putting the veneers on.
  4. Apply the veneers to the surfaces of the teeth.
  5. Bond the veneers using a bonding light.
  6. Polish the surfaces of the teeth until the client is happy with the look.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Take x-rays of their teeth.
  3. Ask them what color bands they would like: red, orange, yellow, green, navy, teal, magenta, violet, white, black, silver or clear.
  4. Place retractors in their mouth.
  5. Rinse and suction their teeth thoroughly.
  6. Apply etching solution to the surfaces of their teeth.
  7. Suction the solution off the surfaces of their teeth.
  8. Apply a small ‘drop’ of glue on the center of each tooth.
  9. Apply the brackets, and ensure they’re in the correct position.
  10. Set them into position using a setting light.
  11. Retrieve the smallest wire, and place it through the back brackets.
  12. Secure it with the bands they chose.
  13. Trim the ends of the wire before asking them if there are any sharp bits.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Ask them if they’ve been having any issues with their braces so far.
  3. Ask them what color bands they would like: red, orange, yellow, green, navy, teal, magenta, violet, white, black, silver or clear.
  4. Place retractors in the client’s mouth.
  5. Remove the old bands from the brackets.
  6. Remove the wire.
  7. Get a thicker wire and place it back in the back brackets, and then onto the main ones.
  8. Secure the brackets with the new bands.
  9. Trim the ends of the wire before asking them if there are any sharp bits.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Ask them if they’ve been having any issues with their braces so far.
  3. Ask them if they have any questions about their braces.
  4. Ask them to open their mouth and examine their braces.
  5. Take x-rays of their teeth and compare them to their old ones.
  6. Estimate when they’ll be able to get their braces off.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Inspect their teeth.
  3. Loosen and remove the brackets using pliers.
  4. Remove the glue on each tooth, using a polisher.
  5. Rinse and suction.
  6. Take impressions of their teeth.
  7. Take them to the x-ray room and take x-rays of their teeth.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Prepare the spacers.
  3. Place the spacers between the molars.
  4. Ensure that the spacers are in the correct position.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Rinse and suction.
  3. Numb the gum around the tooth/teeth that will be extracted.
  4. Gently poke the gum, asking if they can feel it or not.
  5. Gently loosen the tooth, before removing it.
  6. Suction.
  7. Place a cotton wool roll into the space where the tooth was.
  8. Notify your client to rinse their mouth after eating, and that it will be sore for a few days whilst it heals.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Rinse and suction.
  3. Put them to sleep using general anesthetic.
  4. Drill a small hole where the implant will be placed.
  5. Secure the implant.
  6. Rinse and suction before waking them up.
  7. Ensure they are happy with the implants.


  1. Ask them if they have any questions before you proceed with the appointment.
  2. Rinse and suction.
  3. Put them to sleep using general anesthetic.
  4. Loosen the wisdom teeth, before extracting them.
  5. Suction.
  6. Place cotton wool rolls into the spaces where the wisdom teeth were.
  7. Wake them up, before securing them an ice pack.


  1. Numb their tooth.
  2. Isolate the tooth using a dam.
  3. Begin to drill the tooth.
  4. Rinse and suction.
  5. Seal the tooth using a root canal filling.

Updated 03/09/21