I’m using the API endpoint https://friends.roblox.com/v1/users/${userId}/followings to get a list of a user’s following. I really only care about the first page (of 100 results) but even when requesting this through a proxy I’m getting 429 (Too Many Requests) errors after only one request (or even on the first request).
Does anyone know the rate limit for this endpoint and why I might be exceeding it after only one request, or a better endpoint to use which does not have such a strict limit?
local function iterPageItems(pages)
return coroutine.wrap(function()
local pagenum = 1
while true do
for _, item in ipairs(pages:GetCurrentPage()) do
coroutine.yield(item, pagenum)
if pages.IsFinished then
pagenum = pagenum + 1
local success, friendPages = pcall(function() return Players:GetFriendsAsync(userID) end)
if success then
for item, pageNo in iterPageItems(friendPages) do
table.insert(usernames, item.Id)
It uses the built-in API calls, but allows you to call the friend list a page at a time.
I can’t reproduce this either. Are you sure you aren’t using a proxy that might interfere with this or any VPNs when running your code? Also are you sure your script doesn’t accidently make multiple requests?
@bvetterdays@NyrionDev I’m using DigitalOcean’s App Platform to host my API which is requesting this friends API, though I realize this doesn’t give any controls over the IP used to send these requests. I think redeploying using a Droplet where all requests are sent from a dedicated IP might be better in this scenario, I’ll try it out and see. I also note that this issue only happens when my requesting the Roblox API through my hosted app, when I run my app locally and access it using the localhost domain instead of the hosted domain, this issue is not reproduced.
After some digging around I discovered that several other endpoints are also completely blocked when being requested by DigitalOcean servers. I’ll file a bug report to get some clarification from engineers on whether this is intentional or not, I assume it is though.