Sm Salutations! My name is (Username) and I will be your Host today! I wish all of you the best of luck!
Co-Host: sm Salutations! My name is (Username) and I will be your Co-Host today! Same as the Host, I will all of you the best of luck! Now I will pass it back over to the Host!
Sm I would like to thank all our Interviewers as well as our Spectators and Overseers for taking time out of their day to Interview or assist you all. Their efforts are appreciated.
Sm I would also like to thank all of you for taking the time to come to this session! We appreciate your attendance.
Sm I will now be stating the rules. I suggest you stay silent and attentive as these are very crucial to your success.
Sm 1. Grammar and Punctuation are required at all times while on Frizzy Premises.
Sm 2. Respect must be shown at all time on Frizzy premises.
Sm 3. Please do not argue with your interviewer if you do not pass this interview, You can always attend the next session!
Sm Now let’s see who can adhere to instructions.
Sm All LRs have a letter over their head. This is your group number When I say, you will follow your interviewer if they say so.
Sm I would like to have our lovely Interviewers to get two people from there number group, then report to their stations!
Sm Let the interviews commence!
(Greet your interviewee’s)
I will now go over some rules that are crucial to your success and to begin your barista career here at Frizzy!
Remember to use grammar, in all sentences.
While answering questions, you will have a time limit of 1 to 2 minutes to answer.
Answer appropriately, Troll answers will not be accepted, and you will get a warning, continue to troll, will be removed from the server.
When responding to a question I suggest to use detail, and your own words, you must reply with at least 2 sentences with proper grammar.
As we continue, I would like to mention that copy and pasting is frowned upon.
Additionally, If I suspect you copying/pasting I will sadly have to automatically fail you.
I’ve now disclosed the essential regulations that You should be aware of.
With that being said, do you have any questions or comments? Now is a appropriate time to address them.
(You will say great! We will now be progressing to the questions(if player has a comment or a question ask them what it is, address it, then say above)
Now every question, will be in a small blue box on the bottom right corner of your screen, if you do not receive the question, please notify me.
QUESTIONS: (use private message “Pm Username question”)
Q1: What motivated you to apply at Frizzy?
Q2: What makes you better than any other candidates, name some strengths and some weaknesses.
Q3: Correct this sentence: hi welcam too frizzy wat can me do 4 u?
(Correct sentence: Hi! Welcome to Frizzy! What can I do for you?)
Q4: If you encountered a Rude/Troller at the Cafe, how would you handle the situation?
Q5: What other groups have you worked at before frizzy? If none, state none.
Q6: How can you Benefit Frizzy?
Q7: Fantastic, That concludes this interview! I will now be going over your answers, please be patient as I do so.
(If passed bring he/she to the promotion chairs, so the ranker can rank them)