Sm Salutintations! My name is (Username) and I will be your Host today! I wish all of you the best of luck!
Sm I would like to thank all our Trainers as well as our Spectators and Overseers for taking time out of their day to train or assist you all. Their efforts are appreciated.
Sm I would also like to thank all of you for taking the time to come to this session! We appreciate your attendance.
Sm I will now be stating the rules. I suggest you stay silent and attentive as these are very crucial to your success.
Sm 1. Grammar and Punctuation are required at all times while on Frizzy Premises.
Sm 2. Respect must be shown at all time on Frizzy premises.
Sm 3. Please do not argue with your trainer if you do not pass this training. You can always attend the next session!
Sm Now let’s see who can adhere to instructions.
Sm All LRs have a letter over their head. This is your group letter. When I say, you will all head to your designated group.
Sm I would like to have our lovely Trainers and Assistants report to their stations! Trainees-Baristas, please stay seated.
Sm Wonderful listening skills! Trainees-Baristas may now head to their stations (to the right of the Training center) Let the Trainings Commence!
Pleasantries, everyone. I’m (username) and I will be training you all today. I wish you all the best of luck.
As a quick note, please keep your questions until I’ve explained everything.
I will now be stating some important information that will assist you today.
Today, we will undergo 4 stages. These include Greetings, Trolling, Orders and Trivia.
Trainees will need 4 points to pass.
Junior baristas need 5 points to pass.
And Baristas need all 6 points to pass.
Grammar is required at all times during this session. No exceptions will be tolerated.
If you fail to utilise grammar, consequences will occur depending on the situation.
Please try your best to avoid going AFK. However, if it is unavoidable, you must let me know in advance.
Brilliant! We will now begin with the Greetings segment.
Your greeting should include your name, that the menu is above, and the rest is your creative imagination!
An example of a proper greeting would be:
Greetings! Welcome to Frizzy Franchise! My name is Bob how may I assist you on this exceptional day? (Menu is above.)
When I walk up to you and ask for your greeting, You are required to say it.
For this segment, it is easier to utilise the copy and paste function, but typing is also another method that You may use.
Please remember that this stage is not worth any points, we just want to proofread your greeting, and fix it if necessary.
We will now be moving onto the trolling section! When I come up to you, you are required to state your greeting. Please do not take anything I say offensively, this is just a simulation. When. I have II warnings, say -calls MR/HR-
In the real game You will contact a MR/HR through the group wall. or Via our discord server.
(You may make up what you want to say but it has to be different for every trainee, junior barista and barista.)
(After all trainees-baristas are done move onto the next stage below.)
At this time, we will moving onto the ordering portion. I will be stating important information regarding this stage.
During this segment, there will be a total of 3 orders, they will become more difficult as we go through each order.
Each order will be timed to approximately 3 minutes.
If you happen to exceed the time limit, you will be brought back and you will not earn the point.
If anyone asks for the order, DO NOT tell them. it will be considered as cheating and you will be brought back.
I will not be repeating the order once I have stated it once, so please pay attention when I state the orders.
I will only repeat the order if You were AFK, if You do need to go AFK, you must notify me.
Have your order in your hand when you’re finished at the register, so we know that you need to be checked.
Are there any inquiries or concerns before we begin the Ordering portion?
Great! Please remain patient as I state your first order. Remember that your being timed for all of the orders.
(You may make up all three orders(Must be on the menu)
Amazing! We will now be moving onto the Trivia segment!
I will be sending you all a general knowledge question that you’ll be obligated to answer in a timely manner.
Once all of you have responded I will state the correct answer to the question.
Please note that I cannot resend the question, so please be careful when sending your response back.
Are there any inquiries or concerns regarding the information that I have just stated for Trivia?
Great, please allow me a few moments to note all of your usernames down. I ask you to be patient as I do so.
The Trivia Question has been sent. Please inform me if you did not receive the box containing the question.
(Say after trivia questions is sent for both questions.) (if question is correct add a point.)
(You may make up the question but it has to be related to what we serve. And one has to be correct this sentence: you can make up the sentence)