Frozey | Announcement Protocol

Frozey Announcement Protocol Documentation


An announcement is defined as either a shout on the group wall, a message in the group game, or a Discord announcement made in #announcements , #affiliate-announcements , #staff-shouts, #events, or #games.

Group Wall Announcements
Announcements on the group wall must be professionally written as use proper grammar! Although group announcements are usually reserved for sessions, general announcements may be made if nothing is going on. A few examples of this would be:

  • [MSG] Good morning Frozey! I hope everyone is having a great day! Why not come down to the parlor and get a hot chocolate? Sounds magnificent to me!

  • [MSG] Are you looking to become more ingrained into the Frozey community? Join our Communications Server today!

  • [MSG] Good evening Frozey! I hope that everyone’s day was wonderful! Why not come down to the parlor for a delicious midnight snack?

In-Game shouts
In-Game shouts can only use the “:h” command! These are typically used to inform the server that a training session is about to be hosted! An example of this is listed below.

  • h A training session is about to occur at the training center in 10 minutes! Why not come down for a chance to be promoted?

Discord Shouts
Discord shouts must be professionally written and use correct formatting. Each shout should start as shown below:

:frozey: | [RELATED TITLE]

Clearance Levels

Can create shouts in-game using :h - Helper +
Can shout information on the group wall - Helper +
Can shout in ‘games’ channel - Helper +
Can shout in ‘announcements’ channel - Supervision Team +
Can shout in ‘events’ channel - Management Team +
Can shout in ‘affiliate-announcements’ channel - Management Team +
Can shout in ‘staff-shouts’ channel - Administration Team +


In conclusion, this post properly outlines the correct set of guidelines and actions in order to ethically and announce at Frozey. If you have any questions regarding this post, please message a CEO+. They will answer any questions you may potentially have.