Frozey Staff Handbook


Welcome to the Frozey Staff Handbook! This information pertains to our Staffing Department only! Our handbook contains important documents which will help guide Staff Members to success! It is recommended that everyone carefully reads each section to prevent confusion, and to allow for a total understanding of all Frozey protocols. We understand there is a lot of sections, so feel free to refer to this document whenever you need too! If you have a question, or something isn’t listed, please contact a Chief Staff Officer or above!


:briefcase: Training Guide
:icecream: Shift Guide

Handbook Sections

:briefcase: Staff Handbook General Information
:clipboard: Moderation Team General Information
:bookmark_tabs: Trello Board General Information
:rocket: Senior Cashier Promotion Protocol
:chart_with_downwards_trend: Staff Inactivity Protocol
:chart_with_upwards_trend:Staff Promotion Protocol
:no_entry_sign: Staff Abuse Protocol
:hammer: Ban Protocol
:handshake: Affiliate Protocol
:speaking_head: Announcement Protocol
:no_entry: Staff Resignation Protocol
:date: Session Protocol

Staff Links
:icecream: Frozey Public Group
:clipboard: Frozey Moderation Group
:office: Frozey Executive Group
:wrench: Frozey Development Group

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