Frozia Developer Credits

:link: Frozia Group

:hammer_and_wrench: Thanks for contributing to Frozia!
As Frozia is a very detailed and substantial project, we feel it is only fair to give credit to all of the people that work relentlessly behind the scenes to make Frozia what it is today. We honor those who have contributed to Frozia, and all of our long-term developers. Nobody will be removed under any circumstances as everyone deserves their credit for their contributions, and everything they have done has benefitted us entirely. Thank you for what you have contributed. Here are your creditsโ€ฆ

Interface Design:
Graphic Artistry: TRlP2MARS, DivinatoryAngel, gfesro
Architecture: Floarix
Clothing Design/Merch:

:alarm_clock: This page was last updated on February 6, 2023 .