Frutí Public Handbook

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Frutí Public Handbook

Welcome to Frutí's Public Handbook! The information provided below is designed to help you understand our group's functions and operations on a daily basis. If any questions or concerns arise, you are encouraged to contact a member of the HR Team (Board of Directors+.)

Handbook Sections

Code of Conduct
  • Advertising: Advertising is not permitted. Using the chat, group wall or any other form of communication to advertise other groups will not be allowed.

  • Bypassing: Bypassing the chat filter/wearing bypassed clothing in any of our games is forbidden. This also means taking advantage of layered clothing; an example can be found here. Doing so will get you server-banned, no reminders or warnings will be given.

  • Exploiting: Exploiting is a major offense that we do not take lightly. If you exploit on Frutí premises, you will be permanently banned with no option to appeal.

  • Trolling: Trolling is in no way allowed at Frutí. There will be only one reminder to stop trolling before you are kicked. If you continue trolling after being kicked, you will be reminded again, and server-banned afterward. Trolling as a staff member is punishable by a reminder, followed by a demotion. Standard troller protocol will be enforced after you are demoted.

  • Insensitive Jokes: Refrain from making impertinent jokes. This includes but is not limited to; racial comments/jokes, homophobic comments/jokes, or death comments/jokes. Homophobia, racism, etc. are considered forms of discrimination, which warrants a permanent ban. We do not endorse nor promote this behavior in any way, shape, or form.

  • Respect: We kindly ask that you show respect to everyone regardless of their rank. We all deserve to be treated fairly. Failing to treat every member in Frutí with respect will lead to exile.

  • Drama: At Frutí, drama is not permitted. Please refrain from starting arguments or being disrespectful towards staff and customers. Keep your problems and differences outside of work.

  • Common Sense: You must use common sense. Just because something is not listed in the rules does not mean you cannot receive consequences for those actions.

Affiliate Information

If you are seeking to become one of our dear affiliates, please ensure your group meets the following requirements before proceeding:

  • Must have a minimum of 50 non-botted members.
  • Must maintain decent/acceptable activity.
  • Must possess a professional staff team.
  • Must have over 14 different ranks.
  • Must be a business. (Ex: Cafe, Hotel, Restaurant, etc)
  • Must have a communications server.
  • Must not sell any rank that is MR+ or grants administrative abilities.
  • School groups and military groups are ineligible for affiliation and will not be considered.

If your group meets all of the requirements, you may proceed with the application below:

  1. Roblox Group Link | Discord Server Link
  2. How can your group benefit Frutí?
  3. Why do you wish to partner with us?
  4. Is your group willing to participate in most events Frutí invites you to?
  5. Who can represent your group in our Discord server? Please follow this format:
    Username | Discord
    Username | Discord
  6. Do you understand that if your group violates the Roblox Terms of Service or no longer meets our requirements, we have the right to terminate the alliance?

It is required that you fill out the application in a Google Doc. Upon completing your affiliate application, send it to any member of the Relations Team.

The status of your affiliate application will be decided on within 24-72 hours. If it has been over 72 hours and your results have not been delivered, please contact the Relations Team.

Kitchen Recipes

Juices & Sodas

  • Cup + Water + Ice + Flavor + Juice Machine
  • Cup + Water + Ice + Flavor + Soda Machine

Snowcones & Popsicles

  • Snowcones & Popsicles are located in coolers. Coolers can be found in the kitchen and the VIP lounge.

Baked Goods

  • Baked goods are located in glass containers. Glass containers can be found in the kitchen and the VIP lounge.
Ban Appeals

Trello Bans

Upon attempting to join one of our games, you may have been greeted with a message in the format “[Day Month Year] Reason.” This means you’ve been issued a Trello Ban, a ban from all of our group games at the same time. Trello Bans can be issued by members of the HR and Leadership Teams. However, only Vice President+ can make Trello Bans permanent, handle Trello Ban appeals, and remove Trello Bans.

To begin the appeal process, simply message a Vice President. Your appeal should be at least 8 sentences long. Sentence 1 should contain your Roblox Username & Profile Link. Sentence 2 should contain when and why you were banned. Sentences 3 and later should be a reflection on how you can improve your character, and how you can assure us we won’t have to ban you again. Your answers should NOT be numbered, they should be in 1 paragraph.

Before appealing your Trello Ban, please double-check with the person you’re appealing to that your ban is NOT permanent. Once you receive this confirmation, proceed with the appeal. Additionally, there are some rules to keep in mind when appealing your Trello Ban.

  1. You may appeal when at least 14 days have passed since your ban.
  2. If you are banned a 2nd time, it is permanent and you cannot appeal.
  3. Starting drama during/after your ban is unacceptable and can make your ban permanent.
  4. Lying in your appeal is forbidden. We record everything, and lying can make your ban permanent.

Discord Bans

Upon attempting to join our Discord server, you may have been prevented from doing so with an error message. This means you’ve been issued a Discord Ban, a ban from entering our server to communicate with others. Discord Bans can be issued by members of the HR and Leadership Teams. However, only Vice President+ can make Discord Bans permanent, handle Discord Ban appeals, and remove Discord Bans.

To begin the appeal process, simply message a Vice President. Your appeal should be at least 8 sentences long. Sentence 1 should contain your Discord Username & 4-Digit Tag. Sentence 2 should contain when and why you were banned. Sentences 3 and later should be a reflection on how you can improve your character, and how you can assure us we won’t have to ban you again. Your answers should NOT be numbered, they should be in 1 paragraph.

Before appealing your Discord Ban, please double-check with the person you’re appealing to that your ban is NOT permanent. Once you receive this confirmation, proceed with the appeal. Additionally, there are some rules to keep in mind when appealing your Discord Ban.

  1. You may appeal when at least 14 days have passed since your ban.
  2. If you are banned a 2nd time, it is permanent and you cannot appeal.
  3. Starting drama during/after your ban is unacceptable and can make your ban permanent.
  4. Lying in your appeal is forbidden. We record everything, and lying can make your ban permanent.
Promotion Guide

How do I work here?

You can become a Trainee by passing our new online Trainee Quiz! Before applying, please ensure you are a member of our group and not ranked Trainee+. If you pass, you’ll be ranked automatically.

I’m a Trainee! Now what do I do?

Attend one of our regularly hosted training sessions! We do not have a session schedule yet, however, the Leadership Team will make an announcement once it is finalized.

I’m an Apprentice Juicer! Now what do I do?

To become an Intermediate Juicer, you must achieve 175 points at the juice bar. To become an Expert Juicer, you must achieve 400 points at the juice bar. Points can be earned by mopping spills, which are automatically generated. Point cheating and stealing spills is punishable by a demotion.

I’m an Expert Juicer! Now what do I do?

If you wish to become a Staff Assistant, you have two options. You may either apply for it, or you can work for it. More details regarding Staff Assistant promotions can be found below.

Staff Assistant Promotion Tips

If you desire to apply for Staff Assistant, incorporate as much detail as possible and use proper grammar in your application. Long applications will be prioritized over shorter ones. Additionally, the more experience you have, the more likely you’ll be accepted.

However, if you desire to become a Staff Assistant by working, here are some tips:

  • Be active. When we say this, we don’t mean work 12 hours at the juice bar 1 day and don’t work for the next 3 days. We mean work 1-2 hours daily.

  • Don’t hint. Hinting is when you make comments about becoming a Staff Assistant/getting a promotion. An example of hinting: “I hope I get Staff Assistant soon!”

  • Be professional. The Operations Team is looking for professional and helpful Expert Juicers to join the MR Team.

  • Don’t act like an MR. This means pretending to check any logs you don’t have access to, standing around the juice bar and supervising when there are open registers, etc.

Upon achieving Staff Assistant, all promotions from that point onward are earned by going above and beyond in your duties. This means supervising, attending sessions, etc.

Rank Descriptions

All ranks below Staff Assistant do not have rank limits and can be filled as much as possible.

Guest: Non-group members.

Customer: The base rank of the group. If a Customer desires to become a Trainee, they must pass the quiz at the quiz center.

Honors Member: This rank is reserved for former HRs and Vice Presidents. They have made significant contributions to Frutí and have had an impact on the group.

Business Partner: This rank is reserved for business representatives sent on behalf of our affiliates. Business partners can conduct an alliance visit at the juice bar.

Trainee: First rank of the LR Team. Members of this rank have passed the automated quiz and must attend a training session to receive Apprentice Juicer.

Apprentice Juicer: Apprentice Juicers have been thoroughly trained and are officially able to work behind the counter at the juice bar. All low ranks should be helpful and polite with others.

Intermediate Juicer: Intermediate Juicers are the more experienced staff members and have grasped a general understanding of how the group works. 175 points must be obtained to receive this rank.

Expert Juicer: Final rank of the LR Team. Expert Juicers are the most experienced LRs and are experts behind the counter. 400 points must be obtained to receive this rank.

Staff Assistant (30): First rank of the MR Team. Staff Assistants are responsible for monitoring the juice bar and assisting at trainings with other MRs.

Supervising Team (23): They are tasked with supervising the juice bar, however, they may host shifts and trainings as well. Co-hosts are not observed or practiced here.

Management Team (16): They possess the same duties, except they are now authorized to demote unruly LRs. On top of this, they may also take on the role of a “mock promoter” at trainings if a promoter (CT+) isn’t available.

Coordination Team (9): Final rank of the MR Team. They are the most experienced MRs, and are granted permission to promote at trainings. Before becoming an HR, they will choose a team to join. HR promotions are incredibly difficult to achieve, so be sure to make yourself stand out and put in your best effort.

Board of Directors (10): First rank of the HR Team. Members of this rank are new team officials and are responsible for completing their team’s duties on a weekly basis. BoDs are split evenly into Operations and Relations, with five members in both.

Administrative Officer (4): They are the more experienced members of the HR Team, and these four individuals are the deputies of their respective teams and work closely with their leads. There can be two Operations deputies and two Relations deputies.

Corporate Officer (2): Final rank of the HR Team. They are the most experienced HRs, and these two individuals are the leads of their respective teams and work closely with their deputies. There can be one Operations lead and one Relations lead.

Vice President (2): First rank of the Leadership Team. The Vice Presidents of Frutí oversee and collaborate with the HR Team to make appropriate decisions for the group’s benefit. They also work closely with the President to ensure all group operations are running smoothly.

President (1): The President owns the group and coordinates any operations pertaining to development. The President also has the final verdict in any group decision. Unattainable.

Holder (1): The group’s holder account managed by the President. Unattainable.

Social Links


Thank you for showing interest in Frutí! We are always here to help you in any way we can! If any questions or concerns arise, you are encouraged to contact a member of the HR Team.

Frutí Leadership Team