Layered Clothing Used To Create Giant Avatars

Reproduction Steps
By equipping certain layered clothing, users are able to stretch their clothes to unreasonable sizes. I believe this is due to full-body clothing. In other words, an asset listed as a jacket, pants, shirt, or otherwise that actually covers the player’s entire body. By wearing multiple layers of these, the scale of the clothing increases as a result. Although the result is mildly humorous, it can prove disruptive to other players. Worse, the large size and many triangles causes the clothing to create a flashing screen effect when the avatar moves.

Expected Behavior
Support should be added for full-body layered clothing, as well as “catch-alls” in the event that a full-body layered clothing is uploaded under jackets, pants, shirts, ect.

Actual Behavior
Example of a normal avatar compared to one wearing multiple full-body layered clothing:

Reproduction File:
Massive Avatar Example.rbxl (321.7 KB)
Inside the large avatar is a HumanoidDescription, which lists all of the assets used.
(Please be responsible with this information)

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-04-21 00:04:00 (-04:00)


Can confirm, I’ve seen this issue in a few games along with others.


Yep, I see this in many games too. People use Shoes for this a lot, which adds an extra layer of annoying because of how much the massive layered clothing moves around.


This is a huge issue, many users are abusing this and YouTubers are advertising ways to do this…


I have just about had it with people who take advantage of this and use it to cause havoc. We need a fix as soon as possible, but for right now all we can do is wait or kick/ban the offenders with admin (if you have it in certain games.)


“Worse, the large size and many triangles causes the clothing to create a flashing screen effect when the avatar moves.”

This effect is especially harmful for anyone prone to epilepsy…


For now, a workaround for this is to force all WrapLayers to have a ShrinkFactor of 1. This will prevent avatars from becoming too large.

The issue appears to stem from full-body clothing items attempting to layer on top of each other.


WrapLayer.ShrinkFactor cannot be written to at runtime, making this workaround a non-option :

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My mistake, I was misremembering being able to use HumanoidDescription:SetAccessories() to assign ShrinkFactor then re-apply the HumanoidDescription to the humanoid. Turns out you can only specify Order and Puffiness with this method. Perhaps a feature request is in order?

UPDATE: I have created a feature request for this.


Thanks for the report! We are aware of this issue and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Just wanted to share this screenshot I took recently, there are or may be some item combos capable of making the clothing stretch infinitely.


Hi, can this issue be escalated? It’s still happening and it’s seriously game breaking.

I just had to disable layered clothing in Super Skyward Towers because of this issue.

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This is still happening as of 6/3/22. In fact, there are more package combos now that cause this:
LC_ExpandIssue_Repro.rbxl (186.6 KB)



This 3D shirt breaks avatars sometimes BERRYxDEH - Blue Polo - You Got This - Roblox

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This is still happening as of 7/4/22.

Hello? Communication please??? This feature literally cannot be enabled in a lot of our games because of this issue.

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Hello, we are currently working on a few different fixes and fallbacks to prevent such issues from happening. We have had a few releases in the past weeks - Tested locally the above scene and while the LC are messed up, they do not explode to very large size.

Can you help and double check - and see if the repro needs updating? Thank you for your patience, we are continuing looking into issues with LC working to address them as they come.


Hi, thank you for the update! :slight_smile:

Great! Looking forward to the patches.

To my knowledge I haven’t ran into any map-covering variants, but there are still outfit combinations that make the clothing ~5x the size of the character. In the original repro, it makes the character invisible now! I’ve seen this abused by various players:

Here’s a repro of an outfit that is still large:
LargeClothing.rbxl (213.7 KB)

Here’s a repro of an outfit that is invisible:
InvisibleOutfit.rbxl (227.3 KB)

I’ve linked a modern repro above!

Thank you again, looking forward to the resolution of these issues!


@V4_Ap3Dud3 Heya! I actually have found a repro for the map-sized clothing:

MapSizedClothing.rbxl (270.3 KB)

Simply open this place file & run a playsolo test, there’s a StarterCharacter model under StarterPlayer.


Thank you @Noble_Draconian that is much appreciated. We will take a look at these as well and get back to you asap


As @Noble_Draconian had mentioned, users are able to create invisible avatars. This post expands upon that issue, which you may find useful. Players Able To Create Invisible Avatars