Further Changes to Playing Ability of Experimental Mode Games

In my opinion, I think this is an update that has to be done. With the exploiters roaming around and people not being fully aware to the risks of having non-fe games playable by everyone, this update boosts Roblox being able to show the public as being more professional, and to help showcase their true potential as a gaming platform with much less to worry about.

Yes, this will end up phasing out so many of our childhood games, but many of us felt the same way when they officially changed the logo or redid the entire design of the website. This change will better the playerbase and the community of Roblox as a whole, even if it’s only a tiny bit.



  • The glitch that makes any game that used to use CreatePlaceAsync appear as Experimental Mode and become locked to all players, despite whether or not it uses Filtering Enabled.

Changing the logo and completely removing all the old games are two different things, and comparing them to each other like they’re similar cases is a huge injustice. This is a much more serious issue than the logo was.

And I want to mention again that the action they took to prevent the insecurities of EE games was completely unwarranted. Many people here have suggested better solutions to the EE problem which could solve the security issue, and keep the old games at the same time.


It’s worth noting some of the third party responses to this announcement.
Someone made a petition on a third party site, which has gained over 6.3k signatures. (Although I doubt it’ll do much)

It does show the clear reaction of the users, it may be an idea that someone from Roblox replies back to here to say something about the feedback. It could be as simple as…

We hear your feedback and is reviewing your feedback to see where we can improve, keep saying your feedback.


This can be easily fixed with an update on how CreatePlaceAsync constructor works(by adding FilteringEnabled parameter).

CreatePlaceAsync copies the template place, so it will mirror the FE configuration the template place had originally. This is correctly working (if you join the created place, it will be FE if the template was FE). The problem is that when places are created, they aren’t registered as FE until someone joins theme, and places that haven’t been joined since the website started tracking FE aren’t registered as FE either.

Rather than a parameter, Roblox will need to retroactively iterate through all places (for existing places created with CreatePlaceAsync) to update the FE status of their games, and start to automatically update the FE status of a place without it needing to be played.


I say that Roblox should make it so you can play non-FE games only with your friends. It eliminates the risk of meeting any unwanted exploiters while the multi-player mode is still possible.


Can confirm as well, though in my game, CreatePlace was not used.

All we can do is wait

I have support for this idea. Although playing those classic games with others (in multiplayer servers) won’t be possible anymore, it still would be better than not being able to enter them at all & still would accomplish the goal of enhancing the safety of the community as the servers would be single-player. Exploits would still theoretically be possible (although not too many people play/would attempt to exploit the classics much anymore) but there generally wouldn’t be anyone else in the server who would be affected by them.

Not sure of any other better alternative solutions atm, but this one has its pros imo.


People at this point don’t really seem to understand that if you scroll past the front page there is actually an entire landfill of games which range from 10-200 players recurring, with their own communities and people who make content for these games. They aren’t just some small minority, it’s a silent majority of games, even. And most these games are years old, with code bases or features which date past even RemoteEvents themselves. People really love these games, and they have been built over time from that passion.
I don’t think we really need to implement more perpetually perplex platform decisions to excise tens of hundreds of hours from developers to appease some grand branding scheme.

I’ve played on this website for 10 years, I think I joined maybe at most 50 exploited servers, and that was really only when it was super bad (aka before ConvexHero). Does so much history and labour need to be sacrificed to appeal to basically nothing?


I passionately dislike this update. I understand the need for the security but it could have been done correctly. I understand that players shouldn’t be playing Experimental mode games, however locking all users out is not the right solution. There should be an option that is disabled by default, an agreement that you need to allow your account to play Experimental mode games that can only be accepted if you are 13+, and all servers will be singleplayer-only. If you have not accepted this agreement or are not 13+ you will be unable to play Experimental games.
I want the option added to the Roblox security page, in your user settings. When you are trying to check the box in the security settings you’ll be given a warning and a yes or no option as long as you’re 13+, and Account Restrictions are off. If not, you will be unable to check the box.

@CaptainMarcin spoke about giving a “friends only” option instead of just singleplayer. That would be nice, and an option for you to consider.

There are many historical games that I like playing that I enjoyed. A large amount of these games have developers that are unable to update them because they don’t exist anymore. Some developers may have left the platform, other developers may have left because of health problems.
I am upset Roblox did this and I would like this change adjusted so that I could continue playing these games. I don’t care about multiplayer because multiplayer is not a feature that Experimental games should have, a single player only Experimental game is all we need. I don’t want to be completely locked out, I want to be able to play as long as the content is available.

Multiplayer games on experimental mode are unnecessary or could be reduced to friends-only because they should be updated. If you’re still playing those then you must move on because that leaves you vulnerable. However I still enjoy the historical reason and there’s a lot of builds that people created, amazing builds that are unable to be played now. People can no longer experience that content anymore, that means all the time that you spent on your build is completely gone, even if you’re gone. Let’s say someone passed but made an impressive build. Their legacy is now behind a wall. I disagree with that, passionately.

I’m pretty sure Roblox doesn’t want to lose player count, let’s think of one scenario out of many: If you want to keep children happy, think of it in this way. Let’s say somebody who is 8 or 9 years old went on to roblox studio and made something completely random a few weeks ago, then, their other friends from their school joined them. Unfortunately, their new game they worked hard on a few weeks ago was experimental. Now, they can no longer play together and they don’t know what’s going on, or how to fix it. They’re very confused. They’re now upset and potentially, business for Roblox is lost.

I dislike this update, I said this before and I’ll say it again. I really don’t like this, and I wish that this change was somehow made in a way where we could play our old games. This takes away a part of history, like the forums. The forums is something that you could easily find information from old Roblox, around 2009, it was a part of Roblox’s history. You could find things like the old Roblox rally, don’t you remember those racing tournaments? Those were fun. I remember all of that stuff that happened back then, and yet a big chunk of history is gone because the forms are entirely inaccessible. I don’t want this part of history taken away. I remember clockwork, and I remember his teapot cannon, I remember his gravity hammer, his and everyone else’s contributions, not just clockwork. I love everything that the team did back then. It makes me tear up to know that all of this is being locked up. I really wish something like this is not taken away.

For any of you saying that there is a need to remove the confusion, or to defend the update saying that there’s a need for this, I completely agree with you. There shouldn’t be an option for experimental mode anymore. Experimental mode needs to be taken out of the game, and experimental mode should not be used anymore. It is a risk in every way possible and I understand completely why we would not use it, it helps ensure the security of Roblox users, it keeps those games locked down and secure, preventing client-sided execution. However old games should still be preserved in a way where you can play it in its single player style. There is no need for you to defend yourself saying that filtering is something so important that we should get rid of this history. If you think that, I disagree with you. There is a proper way to do this.

Roblox used to advertise and be proud of how many user created games there are, now all of those games are unplayable.

Many others in this post have also spoken about how they seriously dislike this update.

@Kampfkarren, the second poster on this page, showed off some of the games I love and would love to revisit, and spoke about how history has been destroyed.

@Lightlimn was active on this page, posting on the discussion and being constructive at the start. I saw their name pop up quite a bit, and they seem to dislike this change.

@cirek made a great post about Place Roulette, asking Roblox to reconsider the update, and even included a video by Ross from Accursed Farms.

@Younite also made a great post, speaking about how he disagrees with this decision, speaking about how “Roblox haven’t taken measures to update their own games”.

@Operatik also made a good post speaking about how this update “tries to suppress bad reputation from bad press.”

I agree with @anon81993163 on this, and that because of how quickly this update came out and how harshly this was posted, comes off as this is a bandage solution.

@qqtt991 finds this update unnacceptable.

@Sceleratis, creator of a major Admin Script, even disagrees with this update.

@Maximum_ADHD, who has made major contributions and been on Roblox for so long also wants to keep classic games, and wants to revivie classic games.

There’s a lot more, but to prevent clutter, I will exclude them, however, there is a lot of passion in this discussion. So many users feel strongly about this, like TheIndustrialDev who says:

@railworks2 spoke about how there’s also third party attraction. A lot of people care a lot about this.

Reading the comments show me many people agree with me. A large portion of this was written up by myself without reading the comments because I feel so strongly about this. Seeing how so many people have similar ideas to me, is amazing how a major at Roblox couldn’t do what others could think of.

I spoke about builds and I’m not even a builder, I just knew that everyone would be affected, without even reading the comments. After reading them, I see people bringing it up, and I’m shocked because of how rare of an occasion that someone would speak out about old builds. I was even shocked that @cirek mentioned Place Roulette, that’s how passionate these developers are to keep these old games playable.

@Maxx_J who is a Builder, is also concerned.

@h_zan, who is a builder, even finds the update abrupt.
@VineyardVine whos tag is “Programmer”, not “Builder” even spoke up about showcases.

What bothers me, is the Roblox team didn’t provide a proper warning. Previously, the Roblox team would give around a months advance or more for simple features that would change things. This however is such a quick and severe change without notice that I’m shocked how this was authorized to come out so quickly.
You may say “it was going to happen” or say “the warning signs were there”, however, even if that was or was not true, Roblox still would always provide a warning and update page that delays every change, minor or major. This simple “week delay” is nothing, barely advertised, and actually, poor on Robloxs part.

This message is primarily directed towards the Roblox Staff, who authorized this change, and the users too.
@Nightgaladeld is the primary Developer Relations Team poster, you see him everywhere. I’m asking you to take your time and look into this. Be transparent with us. Speak to the community and let the staff know that we’re speaking too. Please be in mind, I know you’re not behind the updates, and I know that you do take your time to read, I’m not insulting you or confused. I just really want this situation handled correctly.

I urge you Roblox Staff, to think about this, and not do this to us, instead find an alternative, like what I have mentioned above, or what others mentioned.

Thank all of you for taking the time to read this whole post, I appreciate all of you who looked deeply into this, not just from me, but from others who I quoted and doing research on this if you did.



Seems like ROBLOX is now forcing FE to all games, as a game I was intending to keep experimental due to its nature and to a select group of people is now being forced FE. I do agree this is a great update in terms of security and all, but as someone whose been on this platform since 2008 and has learned the use of both modes, I expect I should be able to choose which I want with some fair restrictions considering they do expose more. especially if you’re a developer of the game, as the forced filtering even applies to those with Edit permissions. Yes, you could say “make it FE compatible”, but we intentionally rely on native replication for performance reasons, something remotes will significantly slow down. I have my reasons, hope we can make a solution.


That’s great to hear that the games are now playable again. I’ll be sure to check that announcement now.


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