Future Is Bright: Phase 2 Released

Roblox is evolving very fast, I like how you can now make your graphics in your roblox so realistic and smooth, that it doesn’t look like roblox anymore. So far I’ve used this feature for all of my new games, and I continue to use them in projects.


has the z-buffer problem been adressed yet? this is the thing that kills me the most.


lovely shadows thanks to shadowmap (this isnt the final product, this is my workspace for large assets)


Any idea what’s causing this? The shadows seem to create this weird sphere that appears on almost all of my meshes when close enough…

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Is there a possibility that that’s the shadow of the ball-shaped character created for players when using teamcreate?

This is just regular Studio, haven’t used teamcreate :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve noticed this when working with large MeshParts

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Can’t wait for Phase 3 to come out! Its going to be even more epic!


Looks awesome! Can’t wait for Phase 3! :wink:


i wonder what phase 3 will hold.

anyways, admire this pool that’s heavily inspired by Tryler2 :slight_smile:




I don’t know how directly this is related to FIB, but here goes—@zeuxcg are there any plans to allow developers to control the distance cutoff for lighting? For example, say I have a building with lights on the sides, I can almost guarantee that from any position on the street view, these lights will be not visible as they are too far away (plenty of other use cases too, just an example).

Another thing, one that I’ve mentioned in an FIB thread before, but to no avail—can we get a way to control neon behavior per-part, maybe with the addition of an intensity property? For example, I want to have a police car with really bright flashing lights, but a street sign that isn’t overwhelming. It’s also too bad that neon’s glowy effects aren’t really visible from a moderate distance (you have to be really close), especially if it’s a small part like a light, and I would like to fine tune this behavior in my game.


You did this very, very well like every time when there is update, Future is Bright’s team! Roblox Studio is starting to look like very professional program for virtual builders, programmers, artist, etc. with your and others’ help taken on updating it! :smile:

Thank you for all work spent on it just to make Studio better for both: simple players just starting with it and advanced developers, but too for fixing bugs which they saw. I’m still waiting to bug with Decals’ “CastShadow=False” be fixed and phase 2 enabled on iOS and Vulkan since players play on them into Roblox and want the same experience as computer players, also to performance be the same as when sun moves with this when it doesn’t - some developers would like to make a day-night games (maybe in surviving style), but you have time to do these all, we can wait. But I can’t look forward to see “Future is Bright: Phase 2.5” when all known or not known bugs going to be fixed and it published. :exploding_head: :dizzy_face:


We’ve already fixed the bug, but forgot to mark it as done in the original post. We’re working on mobile support as well as more shadow rendering optimizations in parallel with phase 2.5.


Is it possible that Roblox will receive DXR support in the future as a 4th graphical option? I know Roblox supporting DXR is a bit of a meme at this point, but I’d still really like to see how well raytracing would look within Roblox.


Actually, I’m a bit more worried with uncapped Light source ranges. Will this be thing in the future? I’d love to have a flashlight that didn’t require 20 parts so it could go down a hallway.


Sorry, I didn’t see that you already fixed this bug, it’s my fault. Good luck with future updates! :+1:

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Is there a possibility of including contact shadows?


It’s the ball of your Team Create camera. People working with you on the same place will see the ball, but not you as the ball is hidden from your perspective/point of view.

EDIT: Yes, it also shows when you are working alone in a non-Team Create game.

Agreed. We really need uncapped light source ranges, there are many use cases in which we would definitely need light ranges over 60. For example, me and some friends are currently working on a car game, and the lights on each vehicle are not too helpful when they only have a range of 60.


Is this a screenshot from Roblox? If so, please attach a model file that reproduces this - this problem shouldn’t be as apparent with our shadow implementation so I’m curious as to what settings led to this.

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ROBLOX’s lighting engine is really improving and I’m (probably community as well) is too excited, though, I guess ROBLOX needs to improve it’s physics engine as well!

I’m very excited for Phase 3! :tada: