Future Is Bright: Phase 2 - Studio beta

Ignore my character, wish we could fix this choppiness in the shadows with day/night cycles

shadows dont update if they’re close to previous shadow angle, and they generally seem to update at a pretty choppy interval


Thank you for working on this new lighting! This is one of the best Roblox updates of all time!


This looks very impressive! I can’t wait to see what everyone is going to do with this improvement!

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Also can confirm all remaining issues with SunRays have been resolved. :smiley:
(Also, now that ShadowMap is fully released, can we expect a FiB v17 build soon?)




How. Come it makes my game very pitch black it’s nice. But makes game really pitch black

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Not sure if this has been mentioned, but adornments with AlwaysOnTop set to true appear much darker with Voxel/ShadowMap lighting compared to Legacy. Is this intentional?


Wow! Now I am really excited!
This would definetively make games look more realistic and could possibly open the possibility of roblox developing being more accepted.

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I suspect it’s a bug that we’ve missed… we’ll check it out.


Me and members of my teams are excited to implement this new system into our games. Big thank you to everyone who’s gotten FiB this far. It’s an absolutely amazing addition.
Keep up the good work guys.


Shadow Map is very slow on my PC and I have to put Graphics Quality lower than 3. :confused:
I wish SwadowMap would become independent of Graphics Quality.

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This indicates that we have some sort of performance issue that we need to fix. Can you please share your hardware specs, the game that you’ve been playing, and microprofile dumps for quality 2 & 3?

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The hardware of my laptop is something old, here are the specifications:

  • 4 GB ram
  • Windows 10
  • Intel Pentium 2.20GHz 2.20 GHz
  • 64 bits

What they could do is make instead of having to go down to 1 Graphics Quality to turn off the realistic shadows, it would have to be that there is a button that says to turn realistic shadows off and on.
(I do not mean Lighting technology from Roblox studio)

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I don’t think they’re going to do this because the argument is, most players wouldn’t use this feature. So we’re pretty much stuck with an inferior way of handling graphics options.

Instead of getting the highest drawing distance my computer can handle for instance, I’m also stuck with anti aliasing & ambient occlusion which slices my framerate by 40%, thus, I’m stuck at quality level 8 rather than 9 or 10 which have the highest drawing distances, but also have Anti Aliasing, which isn’t needed at my screen resolution, and ambient occlusion, which doesn’t look that good in my opinion.

With Roblox adding more graphic-intensive features, they need to stop using this argument. It’s only going to make a majority of the player base use less than desirable quality levels just to get their framerate up to 60.


I liked the way you responded, I respect your opinion like everyone else’s. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve been reaching around 30-60% GPU usage on my build with FiB ShadowMaps enabled.
I am playing with the graphics settings maxed, but with my rig should be able to handle it no problem…
(Currently using DirectX11.)

  • i7-8700k (Usually overclocked, I have another bench with an i7-8086k that has this same problem.)
  • 32 GBs of DDR4-3000 MHz RAM
  • Windows 10 Preview (Insider, 1903 - 18890.1) (64-bit of course.)
  • RX 590 8GB V-RAM (Overclocked.)
    I can run other games pretty well with this rig so its confusing when running both Roblox Client and Studio at around 20-60% GPU usage. (CPU is usually fine, Voxel is at about 20-30%)
    (My actual FPS stay at 60, so I’m not really lagging.)

Edit: I had previously said on a baseplate, sorry.
Microprofile dump on a map with ShadowMaps: (While in-game on the client, I dumped 128 frames.)
microprofile-20190509-150109.html (6.1 MB)

Can you also please share your GPU specification?
It is super easy to do using “dxdiag” tool.

  1. Hold down your keyboard Windows key and hit R
  2. Type dxdiag and hit Enter on your keyboard
  3. Switch to the “Display” or “Display 1” Tab and make a screenshot

The screenshot should look like this:


I do not have this program installed, I will search how to download it.
I have that program installed, I’ll see.

The profile you attached indicates that we are spending ~3ms per frame on rendering the map, which should correspond to ~20% GPU utilization (~20% of the frame we’re using the GPU for rendering, the rest is spent idling - your map could be 5x more expensive to render and GPU would still be able to render it at 60 FPS). I’m not sure why the reported utilization in task manager is 60%…

We have discussed this before many times, and again, for the current phase we aren’t planning to implement fine grained quality controls (it’s very possible that we’d have to separate draw distance from quality in phase 3 - we’ll see). There are many reasons for this, “most players wouldn’t use this feature” is not how we think about it and it’s a oversimplification. For your specific example, quality level 9 has ~9k stud draw distance with no SSAO and a minimum level of antialiasing, which seems like a reasonable workaround.


It’s different on the client and on the studio but might be due to using a preview build on Windows, they have a few bugs when it comes to task manager and the API. I’ll try running a VM on a stable build to see if it’s any different. (Both my computers are on preview builds so its pretty likely that’s the problem.)
Thanks though for putting in effort to help me.
( Also apparently object names aren’t filtered in dumps, e.g: an object with a new line in its name will break the html profiler dump and make it un-openable, any chance you could forward this as a bug report? )