Handle Adornments have incorrect lighting with AlwaysOnTop and ZIndex >= 0

Currently when I Enable AlwaysOnTop and set the ZIndex to >= 0 the Adornments will become darker
which means to get any Adornments to show AlwaysOnTop are going to be darker than normal.

With AlwaysOnTop = true and ZIndex = 0, Color = (1,1,1)

With AlwaysOnTop = false or ZIndex = -1, Color = (1,1,1)

This is unexpected behavior because it does not allow me to use the full color range of AlwaysOnTop adornments, I have to use ZIndex = -1 to have the full color shown, but this in turn makes the adornments not show on top of geometry.

The expected behavior is that the adornment always is able to make use of the full color range determined by its Color property. If the Color is (1,1,1), and I set the ZIndex to any value apart from -1, the adornment should be purely white.

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Since Originally Reporting I’ve found some extra information out.

As Seen from the image left to right:

  1. Default
    This seems to render the sphere and then adds on some kind of lighting to create an actual value of 223,223,223

  2. Always On Top Default
    This seems to render the sphere as if color ranges from 1 - 510, so when given a value of 255,255,255 it’s actual rendered value is 127,127,127

  3. Always On Top With Double Value
    I’ve given this sphere a value of 510,510,510 and it’s actual rendered value is 255,255,255 showing that the rendering color is between 0 - 510 instead of 0 - 255


First off, thank you for this hack. I’m glad I don’t have to settle for dark colors.

Anyway, bumping because I too am running into this issue. Also, Legacy lighting mode is another way to fix it, but roblox is trying to deprecate Legacy lighting mode…