Future is Bright Phase 3 Released

Well I can run high-end games smoothly with a lot of lights, while I run Roblox at not even 60 fps while having 5 lights


If it’s no problem, I’d think it would be better to list your specs rather than saying you can run an unmentioned game smoothly. It’s pretty vague and we don’t really get a general idea of why you can’t maintain 60fps on Roblox with 5 lights.


If we want to see realism become dominant on Roblox, it should be universally available. Therefore, optimizing it is a must.

If need be, do so.


I really hope Roblox can soon fix this memory leak issue I mentioned above, it’s pretty much impossible for me right now to develop anything with Future lighting for longer than 15-20 minutes without having to restart studio to manually free up RAM. This is especially problematic when having some other programs open, for example an internet browser when I’m looking up references.
As I’m typing this, I have studio open and in just 10 minutes of idling in one place with about 40 lights around the memory usage went from 1GB to 1.9GB.

On a side note, I wonder who’s idea was it to restrict forum members which don’t have the “Regular” rank from creating topics in the bug reports category.

Edit: The problem is still there after the last update.


Roblox Studio is awful when working with it for an extended time, I begin to lag if I spend half an hour on a baseplate


Thats strange, because for me, I sometimes leave it on over night when editing on accident and its always fine.


Probably because of memory leaks or something similar. We can’t do much about that sadly, nobody suffers that in Roblox Studio.

I find the Roblox engine not much optimized enough.

Future lighting definitely improved on performance but it’s definitely not enough. As you can tell, the engine can’t even handle alot of light sources with future lighting, while other game engines can work with alot of lights without suffering fps. I don’t like seeing this issue being here. If people were able to write their own shaders or post processing effects in Roblox studio, most of these limited problems will reduce by a ton. But that’s not confirmed because they already stated why they can’t allow users to do anything like that.

I’ve seen some games writing their own shaders without even messing with the Roblox engine. But they would have to be low res, and bad to even run fast. Since it’s basically using the ui system. The reason why it’s so slow because it mostly relies on CPU. I know doing this is definitely something Roblox studio was not meant for.

Also going back to talk about future lighting, on max graphics, seeing the lights from a distance is pretty an issue on performance.

However the distance should be like 1.2k studs.

I’m pretty sure Roblox studio does this when something is far away from the camera which the lighting fallbacks to shadowmap, then voxel, then basically no shadows (basically a sphere region)

Also asking my old question again. When is Lighting.Technology going to be scriptable (as said from the devhub I’m not sure)

Pretty sure won’t be possible because, changing shader types in real time (especially when playing a game) can be tough to do


No idea but this would definitely be useful functionality to have, allowing for scripting of UI to allow people to locally do something such as enabling or disabling shadowmapping.


If only it was possible complaints about FIB3 perf could be easily fixable by just adding a GUI element.


Please increase the light limit to where lights begin updating slow. Also don’t drop the updating time so low, update time should not go below 4.5 ms (15 fps), it looks super jarring.

This is at max graphics, and lights update super slow. I feel as though a the threshold could be pushed up just a tad, and the updating times could be a bit higher.

(This game isn’t mine. It’s called Build World.)

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This Future Lighting should’ve been perfect for Horror games, but the difference between Quality Settings of 1 and 10 can really RUIN the darker atmospheres the Devs has put in place! Areas that should’ve been dark would easily be revealed by lowering the quality! This should’ve been a different settings called Brightness! And it should never been tied to Quality Settings!

Players playing on lower quality would never be able to properly experience the darker atmosphere that the game should’ve been played! As it would be out of their choice due to the lack of Brightness Settings!

Let people with lower end devices allow themselves to be immersed into the darkness that is set in stone by the developers of a horror game! Add a brightness setting!


I remember in the really old phase 3 betas from late 2017- early 2018 there wasn’t a limit to the size of lights. Would we ever see a return of this, or at least an increase to the size cap?


Can we ever see the return of particles being lit properly as seen in the FiB 2016 hackweek?

(The video is already set to the time of the clip, don’t skip ahead just play the video.)

Nowadays, particles don’t respect shadows. They simply react to a light source and don’t really care whether or not something is obscuring it.

Smoke particles behind a 4 stud thick wall are being lit up.


It would be pretty cool if roblox did a particle system rework, where it would work a bit more like unity’s particle system, where you can set events to trigger when the particle has spawned/died.


Hey, for clarification - are there any updates in the works for optimization of the lighting performance? Our game uses future lighting and while it runs decently fine, it is still hard to keep the game both performant and realistic. Our map uses ~200k primitives, and while we try disabling CastShadow everywhere possible and minimize the steaming radius, it still becomes performance-intensive relatively easy. I’d be more than happy to provide our game’s map if that would be of any help!


Also, a question for optimizations sake. If you have an model out of, say, 20 primitives, is it more worthwhile to use 3-4 smaller primitives that you hide inside the model with CastShadow enabled and then keep every other part with no shadows, or is it better off to just keep CastShadow on the primitives in the model? Would greatly appreciate a response so that we can appropriately optimize our map :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ll say that it’s improved slightly since November 2020, but it’s still extremely performance intensive.

At this point I don’t even think vrtblox even cares.

A bold assumption to make.

I remember you saying that they stopped working on volumetric clouds, did they tho? 2-3 weeks later we get a huge update. I think I need to repeat myself: just bc there isn’t an update to something doesn’t mean it’s not being worked on or the person “doesn’t care”

From looking at the video there clearly were some things Roblox didn’t decide to ship with FIB3. It would be sick if we had particles being lit up - adds a lot of realism in Roblox games. @zeuxcg Would be amazing if we got some info on it.

It also looked like the lighting looked better in the hackweek demo than what was shipped.


It actually wasn’t me, but others, unless I’ve forgotten.

Also, they haven’t done anything much on this for 8 months now, much more than 2-3 weeks. Performance complaints keep this topic alive.