Future is Bright Phase 3 Released

I would like to know if some shaders do not work in directx11: FEATURE LEVEL 10_0
Technology:“Future” and “Depth Of Field” effect don’t work for me

So currently, are mobile devices automatically on ShadowMap or has Future been enabled?

Mobile devices are currently on ShadowMap.


See if it does it on other mobile devices (Like your iPad or tablet)

Gosh this lighting update is the best update ever!
I went and made a little sewer hangout for my pirate crew to chill in.

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hello, hope everybody had great holidays! the fix for freezing/incorrect shadows should be live now, we’re investigating other issues and preparing for mobile release. looking forward to see more amazing places!


Has this issue been noted by anyone yet? It only occurs in some areas of my game, but these flashing lights are really distracting. I have no idea how to fix them, but someone suggested it might be because there are too many overlapping lights?

Heartbeat/Render returns to 60/s as soon as the lights are moved to storage or I look/move away

(There are no moving parts where the shadows are bugging out)


Yeah, I see it happening in my builds too. Only in the areas where I have a good few light sources.
They also start to flicker randomly.

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One problem I found is the part not being illuminated while emitting light itself. For example, like in the picture below the part is emitting light but the part is dark. It’s annoying because now I have to put another light which will light the part which may impact the games performance if used a lot.

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this is by design i would say? maybe because lights can only be attached to parts make it less obvious but it is what it is

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Thanks for fixing the shadows freezing issue.
I’m noticing the shadows stuttering on lower framerates. Is this intended behaviour?
Also, the resolution of the shadows sometimes become less and they get really pixelated.

stuttering is expected as we have a fixed budget for local light updates per frame. this might improve in future as we’re making budgeting more robust. making fewer shadow casting lights might also help


Yea, I will have to get used to it, but I think the main problem could be the performance if having double the amount of lights is the solution.

yes it does still do it on other mobile devices. ima see if it does that when i enable vulcan on my pc.

The Future is Bright is causing many and tons of problems regarding the Global shadow, and another problem is performance, for somehow a Core i5 laptop could only run this future lighting technology with full graphic on only 20-25 FPS which is happened to me. Just hope that this issue will begin fixed shortly.

Note: I think this lighting technology only causing major problems on large scale map since I’ve been trying this on small place but it seems to be more fine.


as a reminder - if you want something to be investigated and fixed (if its possible to fix) please DM me exact repro steps (including graphics api used, quality levels, etc) and test place. thank you!


It’s a side effect of Roblox’s ambient occlusion. It also happens with shadowmap and voxel.

It’s caused by Roblox’s awful light optimization. If there are too many lights casting shadows, or if you’re far away or not looking at a light source, Roblox turns off shadows on select lights to save on resources.

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Absolutely amazing:


My man same issue and if your making facility’s and such it is well just like crazy sometimes even in open environments its bad

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