Well, Gordon, at least the HEV suit still fits you like a glove. Or at least the glove parts do.
It appears that opening the Asset Explorer from the Beta Features list within the newest version of Studio whilst having the lighting set to “Future” leads to this mess.
It looks beautiful! I just wish its performance was better. I also had trouble converting from Shadow Map to Future—lights flickered, were not present, or had odd shadows. Others were suddenly extremely faint or harsh. I’m looking at all these photos here, and they’re all great. How much did you guys have to do to make it look like that? Did you just flick the switch, or did you need to play with the angles, brightness, sizes, and such?
this would look cool in a story game
In my opinion, ShadowMap and Future looks the same. I haven’t experimented with it enough so I might be wrong.
Edit: I re-read the post and I have Open GL Graphics because of a weird bug in studio. That is why I don’t see any changes.
Looks great on sci-fi builds! I love how it looks with the Metal, Concrete and DiamondPlate materials!
There is one big issue i’ve had, which is SurfaceGui’s don’t really work with it unless they have zero light influence. If you put one out in mid-day it works fine, but SurfaceGuis won’t be affected by Point, Surface or SpotLights.
Another suggestion I had was a way to almost disable a light from influencing these reflections.
A property like Light.InfluencesReflections
could be useful for people who used to use tons of fake ambient light sources in their games pre-Future and don’t want the extreme amount of unneeded reflections.
Sure, they can remove those fake ambient light sources, but things end up looking worse for most users who don’t have the computer power to run Future and will default to ShadowMap/Voxel. This property would only affect Future lighting.
Thank you and everyone who worked on this for such an awesome feature!
Have a nice day!
For a second I thought that was a game, and was about to say that looks awesome
Looks like a pretty severe issue.
Friend of mine’s game is undergoing a massive redo of all lighting before it’s going to look good, along with a lot of games I work on. It’s pretty annoying
One thing I kind of was annoyed about is you can not reference Lighting.Technology at all (I think it should be read-only and not just invisible to scripts) and I was planning on automatically using different light sources depending on the tech being used by the local player.
It’s the same effect as you can create by putting a DepthOfField correction in the Camera, if you want to remake it. It seems to be some kind of rendering issue
I’m kind of sad knowing that FIB is gonna end soon. It’s been so cool seeing Roblox’s lighting engine evolve these past few years.
I guess we should now say “The future is here.”
I hope this feature is usable in-game before the builder challenge comes.
This looks awesome! Especially indoors.
It looks astonishing!
Wow this looks spectacular I wish you the best of luck with your game!
Yeah, I had to turn LightInfluence to 0 on all my SurfaceGUI’s and that did the trick for now.
This is a big issue. Majority of my players are mobile so the effects won’t even be present to them, the game looks gross on lowest graphics.
Alright, hi everyone, So I would just like to start off by saying that yeah, wow Future is Bright 3.0 is really quite amazing! I have been waiting for one feature for about 7 years now, (the Point and Spotlights producing shadows if any one’s interested) and I am very happy to see these changes coming to Roblox.
However, as it is in beta there are some problems that I’m sure can be fixed. Firstly as I saw mentioned somewhere above, transparency does not affect shadows at least ones from Point Lights at all
Secondly, another thing I’ve seen mentioned but had also experienced is some shadows don’t quite work, they become strangely square on some edges where the light’s are not positioned to cause it.
Okay, now a little about how the changes kind of ruin some of the effects I’m going for, mainly, when Using shadow Map parts tend to almost have well not bloom but that’s what it looks like (but it’s not so bright/glowy) and in ‘Future’ everything just seems very dark and almost absorbant. In fact, I did a little testing, and either my lighting needs a lot of help or FiB 3.0 indoors when not meant to be casting shadows is equivalent to no lights of any kind.
Alright now for something that might be more helpful than just words, a video! yup here is a quick 3-minute video I put together showing some of my experiences with FiB 3.0 so far!
I did add subtitles to help get my point across throughout the video, however, they go by very quickly so you might want to pause the video to read them.
Alright, I hope you found the video informative if you watched it, now I must admit there are a few questions I had in the video that I did mention that have actually been answered in earlier posts, namely why my foil is so dark, and the shadow’s squareness. Now I also must apologize for a few problems here and there in the video, particularly how the subtitles get cut off a few times, the horrible font (it looked better in the editor, and I’d have never thought the default would be so odd.) also that one time I wrote “trangly” where I meant “Strangely” and finally I’m sorry that the video had to be embedded Youtube, I couldn’t get it to upload here as it would just get stuck around 30% Alright I think this just about covers everything, I just want to thank you for reading what’s actually my very first post on the DevForum. That being said I do apologize for any improper etiquette,
Best Regards
This new lighting looks great! I am looking forward to the future of roblox and how this lighting will be used.