Future Is Bright: Phase 3 - Studio Beta

I have began setting up my HQ to use future lighting. Originally in the first picture I had to use decals to get the effect of the striplights lighting the ceiling now with future lighting I do not. I cannot wait for this to go live and brought into the actual roblox game.

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So much added but still no way of setting maximum render distance :confused:
Atomsphere.Density doesn’t do the job because I don’t want fog, I just dont want to render stuff far away.


Not sure if this is just me but im getting issues with spot lights (my pc isnt the best) https://gyazo.com/4c0a48adeab3d74872dcdc8bea52d9da

edit: when i turn shadows on half of the light disapears

I don’t think this light is supposed to go through the block.

Use a surfacelight with shadows enabled and range above 17, range of 1 brightness 40


Low quality neon on lower graphics modes using Voxel/ShadowMap/Future looks absolutely terrible and I would’ve preferred if they turned off the glow for them like on Legacy and Compatibility lighting modes on levels 1 and 2, rather than the horrible dotted effect it has now.


What happened to the AutoExposure Lighting property from older phases of FiB? I guess it’s still in the works, or what?

Nevermind, looked back at Phase 1 beta and zeuxcg said there would be an auto-exposure soon.

Seriously though I remember using AutoExposure a year ago.

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I have a Nvidea 940 MX and I’m getting 5 frames more. Is this normal?

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If you’re getting 5 extra frames then yes that’s entirely normal, also that’s a pretty old graphics card so don’t expect it to give top performance.

Always use your graphics card tho, it most of the time runs way better than intergrated graphics since intergrated graphics have very limited memory for graphics calculations.

Intergrated is processor + graphics combined, but only very little memory is reserved for graphical calculations therefor it’s bad to use intergrated graphics if your PC has a second graphics card (like NVidia), always set it to your NVidia graphics card or whatever graphics card you may own, it has been proven that Roblox runs like 10x better for me now and even with slight improved looks as NVidia, depending on your settings, even slightly improves how textures and such look in a Roblox game and I tested the differences.

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Wow! Thanks for the reply! I’ll make sure to upgrade my laptop some day!

If I can afford it. :sweat_smile:

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I’m IN LOVE with this, it makes ROBLOX more exciting and mindblowing!
For example,

I add a part with surface lighting to the light to make it look more realistic, the first time I added the lighting it looked like this:
Obviously I just had to fix the position of the part with the surface lighting.

I can’t believe what ROBLOX had turned into!





I love this so much. Makes so many things look good. :slight_smile:


I’ve came across a few bugs with this update. Lights tend to flicker at some graphics mode. I’ve applied this lighting to buses and the blinkers/hazards have been flickering way too much then intended. When I’ve looked at the SurfaceLight, it’s enabling and disabling properly every 0.5 seconds, but visibly, it flickers.

its going to very buggy at the start
so expect some issues

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follow my tutorial on how to enable it on roblox mod manger

You don’t need mod manager anymore; it’s available in vanilla Studio without the need for mod manager, but it’s not enabled for games yet

thats not right fib is not able and surface is not able too

FiB is available in studio. Just not on the client.


the most be something new well

It is for people in the Beta Program. That’s why some people have bones, PBR and FiB V3 but others dont.

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