Future Lighting needs to expose more "internal" hardcoded properties for light instances

There’s plenty of features that I do agree that roblox should add, and that they need to add, or should’ve added years ago. I don’t think I’ve really argued against that.

For example emissive textures, huge oversight. I also think we need better glass that can render transparent things behind them. Or grass where you can change the length area by area, the current grass is pretty shoddy. Plenty of things really, I could go on and on. The material implementation is personally the most upsetting to me, I waste so much time tiling pbr materials and it makes me just wanna use textures instead.

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Hence why I want to get this to the attention of roblox, these features are LONG overdue and are not even that big of a request to add.

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Roblox isn’t just a game engine, it handles server hosting, storage, accounts for you.

Also, this feature requests, which is asking for longer sliders, will not turn Roblox’ core product, Roblox, into a complicated mess.

Roblox isn’t just a game engine, it handles server hosting, storage, accounts for you.

Yes that’s pretty much what I said.

Also, this feature requests, which is asking for longer sliders, will not turn Roblox’ core product, Roblox, into a complicated mess.

Those suggestions are more than just longer sliders.

will not turn Roblox’ core product, Roblox, into a complicated mess.

No but it takes their core product and turns it into something different than intended. Roblox is built around being physically based, even if the lighting does do a poor job of that.