Futuristic Lighting Not working

I’ve tried using futuristic lighting and it works fine on roblox studio, and test play but once I publish it into roblox it just stops working, it turns into shadowmap, Is there some kind of fix for this problem?

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Future Lighting only work on studio because it studio only, If you publish the game and play it everything gonna turn to shadowmap,

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Even though this was solved: the future lighting is still in beta as it’s not public to be played in live games the restrictions is only studio only: just to note. There has been topic regarding this before if your using the new technology lighting it isn’t live at the moment, if your lighting isn’t working when in-game it’s only studio. I would try using another lighting technology for now.

There’s been a few notes coming out on the thread including “updates” and such so it’ll probably be coming sooner you should keep an eye on the thread, and see when new updates get pushed out once it’s fully release and live to the public it may be coming to the platform (targeted 4th) October - December.

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