Game being exploited heavily, not sure how to resolve

Have you even tried the btools in your admin

You could do
"if player.AccountAge <= 15 then
So like if the player is new then it send a webhook to your discord server.
or You could do if the workspace.Changed, it would detect if parts were added or deleted.

Ok so they have to risk their game over a few useless commands. I suggest you use your common sense.

I’m joining to check it out, i’ll tell you if I have any suggestions

Sadly i don’t know any function that allows to see script input, do you guys have some RemoteEvents that could possibly access every client? (With that i mean that it doesn’t have server protection)

Try to see what is getting added to the game, this script will tell you what is getting added to the place:

script.Name = "HandIn Handler v".. math.random(1, 10).. ".".. math.random(1, 10)
script.Parent = game.ServerScriptService
		warn("'"..child.Name.. "' has been added to ".. child:GetFullName())
if game.Workspace.Changed then
Warn("Part Added / Destroyed!")

that should take warn when the map is deleted.

It may be a backdoor in one of the parts.

Also if there are no sus people then its a internal scipt causing the problems.

But what is it gonna warn 30 characters

That the workspace was changed.

@soccervr Basic Admin Essentials 2.0 is an admin system that we use to operate. It provides our Middle Ranks+ utility features that we believe other admin systems do not provide as well as Basic Admin Essentials 2.0.

@Vur3e We have tried the tools in Basic Admin Essentials 2.0 and it is perfectly safe.

@Corrupted_LuaFile All of our RemoteEvents are secured.

@HarrowedCrobix .Changed only fires when a property of an instance is changed.

@LifeDigger There are no backdoors in our game, we have searched numerous times.


This post seems to be filled with a lot of conflicting information in regards to what is happening with your game. The exploits describing seem to fall in line with something a backdoor is capable of. I recommend you check out this post to check out different ways you might be able to find a backdoor in your game.

Edit: If a player is deleting parts and manipulating the game on the server, there is indeed a backdoor in your game, regardless if you are able to see it in studio. Look for any code that uses loadstring or require, or anything obfuscated.

Who is it going to warn, I don’t get what that’s gonna do

“Warn” is the same thing as “Print”, but in yellow text. It will send a message to the output.

I usually use warn() to highlight important messages

So are you saying you can use it with a webhook for discord?

We do not have backdoors in our games.

One of your staff may have become a traitor

So you don’t have a backdoor, but an exploiter is able to control the game on the server?

That doesn’t make any sense.