Game-Breaking Bug on CoreGui "TopBarApp"

Hello, all! I’m having a terrible issue with a warning that I have seen in the in-game developer console, along with the experience error report analytics. The warning is this:

Infinite yield possible on WaitForChild


At the moment this warning occurs in the game, several gui elements instantly stop working and players can no longer access core gameplay elements of the experience.

I want to prevent this warning (and bug) from occurring anymore, so that players can consistently enjoy my experience.

The warning is not consistent. Some players have no issues, some always experience it, and some are able to play as intended for a while before it appears.

I have tried looking over all of my scripts, and I can’t seem to find anything surrounding the “TopBarApp”. I know that using the StarterGui service allows you to enable/disable core gui elements with


I have used this line in some LocalScripts in the experience, but even after removing all of them, the warning seems to be persisting. I found only 1 other topic about this issue [Here] (Recurring error TopBarApp) but it has not been helpful. I have also tried disabling all plugins in studio before publishing.

Thank you in advance to anyone who can help me with this issue!


The problem persists for me too.
Just one question: Do you use Players / UseStrafingAnimation?
I have the impression that the problem has appeared since it is true.

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I don’t use it at all. It’s disabled for my experience.


This happens in my game as well. It’s currently my most frequent error.


Are you doing anything with StarterGui in your code? I can’t imagine that simply using it would cause such a breakdown, but I want to learn all that I can to fix this.

Yes a bit with StarterGui. I just ignore the error since it dosent seem to cause any problems for me.


You’re probably gonna find no solution for this, this is a Roblox issue. I usually see this come back and forth over time. All you can do is bug report it (if you’re in the group) if there is no existing bug report, otherwise, nothing much can be done.

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That’s disappointing. I’m fairly confident it has something to do with my problem. Hopefully something can be done! I’ll check out the bug reports.

+1 for it being our top error:

In fact most of our errors are now Roblox related, mainly timeouts when trying to load sounds, meshes, etc. But they might just be slow client connections

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Do you happen to notice any weird behaviors in your game after it appears? Specifically GUI related problems?

I’ve not experienced any issues in live games myself. I do sometimes see the error message when testing in Studio, especially when starting the test server in Studio with 2 or more players