Game got dislike botted overnight

Last night, someone dislike botted my game with 2k dislikes. Our average rating went from 79% to 30%. Recently, i’ve been working nonstop along with my staff and developer team to get this game up and running, and so far it’s payed off and we’ve been getting 100-300 live players a day. (usually depends on the hours). I have absolutely no idea how, and this has never happened to me before, but in my developer stats it shows how 5000+ players joined in the span of 5-10 minutes, and they all stayed for less then for example 10 seconds. I really do need help on what to do. I’ve tried emailing roblox support, but there’s no response yet, and i do not want my player count to permanently drop within the time they respond. Is there a faster way to get help? Any help would really be appreciated.

My game: Rensselaer County Beta - Roblox



I suggest wait for Roblox to respond and see what happens.


That is terrible and wrong and I can’t believe someone would do that. What the heck.

If Roblox won’t respond to an email about it, I’d wait it out and see if a DevForum staff member could help.


Yes I agree. Wait for a staff member to possibly help you out.


Ok, thanks. Do devforum staff respond faster then Roblox Support?


I’m so sorry your game was dislike botted :frowning:

When this happened to my game a couple months ago, I filled a support form and received an automated response that same day. Then after 6 weeks Roblox removed the botted votes.

I really hope your game ratings are fixed soon. I don’t think devforum staff can solve this kind of problem, but you can still contact developer relations for information.


I feel so bad for you your game looks pretty good! The thing I dont understand is how they were able to dislike it dont you need to verify your email?

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Thank you, and Yes, they do need to verify their email but you can probably attach the same email to multiple accounts. I’m now noticing that it’s common to many developers… Apparently we have to wait around 42 days (6 weeks) for the ratings to be reverted. I really hope we don’t loose our player base by then, because we’ve been working quite literally all the time on this game. Maybe if i can find a way to externally transfer the data, i can temporarily open a new game/place so that people don’t get discouraged to join because of our ratings.


Lol, thank you, deeply appreciate it.

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Yes this is indeed sad I remember roblox’s golden era where there were no bots and we were all a big happy community now there are so many bots that if a game even Tries to suceed they can take it down overnight. @DevRelationsTeam please help


I was on rolimons trading website and notice adopt me had there like percentage go up a lot. I checked and it lost about 5,000 dislikes.
Apparently, any game can get dislike botted.

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Yes i’m now realizing that this might be more common then i thought it was. ROBLOX should possibly implement more captchas or something to prevent this from happening, because if people can bot dislike, imagine how many people are bot up-liking their own games.

omg this is such a good idea!
we are on it!


Sorry to hear that but similar topic has been asked for few times already, you can search for this topic in the DevForum/Google before you post it next time, here’s a post from mine.

Basically you can now fill in the Support form and patiently wait them to get the dislikes reverted. You can also provide screenshots of the visits amount spike and the time of it happening. It will take around a month and a half for them to revert it, if everything goes right.


Thank you so much for the support. I truly appreciate it so much! :purple_heart:

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Maybe you can make another copy of the game and make the original game teleport players to the new version! I really do not know?! It is a shame someone immature, selfish, and evil would do this to your game :frowning: I know you worked really hard on it, and I know as a fellow dev that this is frustrating and just all out annoying.


I am actually scared of my game being dislike botted. It just makes me feel unsafe when it comes to botting with votes on games. Whenever a player would click on the game, they’d think that the game wouldn’t be good because some idiot decided to dislike bot the game. If this happens, the person who did this would remain John or Jane Doe because you didn’t know who dislike botted your game.


No that sounds horrible that would also cause lots of problems

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Oh man, that’s really bad. I really wish Roblox used re-captcha to verify a like or just to make an account because they’ll search through history and activity to see that they are not a bot. You can contact Roblox support or the devforum team they may be able to fix it. What you need to make sure of is that you don’t have any enemies or people who are intentionally trying to ruin your game because you said or did something. Good luck hope this gets fixed.


Yeah, I am sorry, my games have never been dislike targeted, but that is probably because I am not even an important Roblox target :laughing:

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