Game ideas. (300$ budget)

Hello there fellow developers! If you had 300$ to spend on a game which game would u go with? Because, me and my friend are putting 300$ into a project but what game should we possibly go for? We would appreciate if you could possibly leave a comment down below on what we shoud do?


300$ is actually not a “big” investment for game development. OP is looking for game ideas that can be realized with 300$


$300 is not really a good investment to spend on a game.(imo) However, I wish you good luck on your game!

Do you mean it’s a bad idea to invest 300$ into a game?

No, 300 USD converts to 32,000 robux.
Enough to get some thumbnails and icons.

Well, we can do the rate with 3.50 = 1k some people follow from that.

Okay, im not a builder so take this as a grain of salt. No I never said it’s a bad idea, I think in my opinion $300 won’t be enough. I’m not telling him how to make his game, its my opinion of his view in the topic.


Depends how much effort you think you’re going to put into your game, and how much you’re expecting to get out of it. If you know you aren’t going to give up halfway through then $300 can potentially be made back. If this is just a half-hearted attempt at a game, $300 is probably too much to invest.

We got another 300$ on ads but we are possibly gonna take some off that ad money to add to this so.

Ay bro, you can do it, I think it will work too, it’s just my opinion. You do you.

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Hello brother developer! @J_OYE
First of all, I wish you all the luck and success in the world for your new project.

Creating a game seems easy, however it takes time and effort to do. Each game needs its self-sustaining and an idea in general.
In the world of Roblox there are many types of games, there are many ideas and many great creations depending on what your specialty is for game development in Roblox.
For example, if your skill is code creation, you can make a game like a science lab, a spaceship, a tech battlefield, etc.
If your skill is the construction and modeling of pieces, you can create a realistic game, an adventure world or an exploration game with incredible graphics.
If what you want to do is leave a deep message, you can make a story game, a world of challenges and adventures that involve the user in difficult decisions, etc.
If what you want to do is entertain people, you can create entertaining games like simulators, social games like MeepCity or Adopt Me.
If you want users to put their keyboard skills to work, you can create a game like Obbyes such as “Flood Escape 2”, or Battle Royal like “Super Doompire”
The game world is vast and we all have the imagination to create amazing and fascinating worlds.
I wish you luck in your project :upside_down_face:

PD:But make sure that your creations comply with the rules of the community, that they do not generate an atmosphere of hatred or resentment, that it is a place where controversy or envy is not generated.
Make it a balanced game and make it fun.


300, isn’t a great investment. Normally prices range from $500-2,000 in development wise, in my experience. None the less. With that money, I’d make an kingdom game

If you directly pay people via PayPal, your money will go a lot further. 300$ in Robux is around 32000 Robux, as @G9nx said. This is only about 90 USD if they were able to devex it. 300$ through PayPal is 300$ period. You might be able to get graphics, a few builds and if you’re super lucky, maybe a scripter.


You probably should get a little more money for your game if you can, however, if I were to make a game with just that, I would do everything and spend that all on ads.

However, the game would not be that good since I don’t know how to script.

If it was PayPal, I’d argue with that. I’ve completed full games for $100. It is tricky though.

100$ split among 3+ different jobs leaves very little for each person. Personally I would not work on a game for that small of an amount. Realistically he might be able to get 3 well-versed people with 300$.


Like one person making the whole game.

If one person is making the whole game, then why would they work for you when they could make it themselves?

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Because making a game on your own, you don’t know about it you’ll make money. But if you do commissions, it’ll make money.

I’m not sure why you need a 300$ budget? If your a “jack of all trades” that you can make a game all by yourself and then get the game popular through one of the four submitable sorts.