Game inspired by Generic Roleplay Gaem Devlog #2

Hello! I am currently developing a game similar to Generic Roleplay Gaem, but I haven’t decided a name yet. Here’s the previous devlog Untitled Test Game Devlog #1 (Inspired by Generic Roleplay Gaem), just in case you wanna see what’s already in the game.
Anyways, here’s the first new thing I added: the computer mini-game/job.

video link just incase the uploaded one fails for whatever reason: 2022-05-25 10-39-22
This feature also works on any device as on Xbox it’ll change the keys to Xbox buttons, and on mobile the buttons will become tappable. I’ve also added taxes along with this mini-game, which can be changed by the presidente.

Also, guns.
Police Pistol:

secondary link just incase: 2022-05-25 11-01-38

Tommy gun:

secondary link: 2022-05-25 11-02-12

I’m not trying to act like these are some god-tier looking guns, but I think they’re great for now. They were built by a friend of mine. Once either of us can make better ones, we will do so.

Presidente action menu(aka the law menu):

secondary link:

The GUI isn’t the best, but it’s good enough for now. Like most things, it’s really a case of “I’ll change it when I’m capable of making it better”. Anyways, that’s really all there is to show currently. If you’d like to play the game in its current state, then look no further

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Remember to make the core original and special. The outer layer (decorative aspects) are important, but what truly decides a game is the core.