My previous post about the same thing My first ever game logo design any feedback? (That was my first game logo lol)
My latest logo which is more better: My latest logo (better one) Feedback on my new logo please!
Please have a look at this Feedback on my game logo
This time after reading all the feedback given by people I finally made a new one in this one I spent more time working in it 
I worked more on the color combinations.
Here it is:
Again I couldn’t think of a name lol.
Fun fact: this is my second game logo I have ever made.
Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated!
OK bye lol.
Really love that colour combination. The text could be a little bit more centred, but otherwise, it’s good. 
I guess the text is perfectly centered I did that so that the pickaxe and the shovel could come in view
Ah, alright! Have a good one! 
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Looks very nice! Good job! 
Score: 9/10
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Looks epic! My only suggestion is to maybe make the black border around the pickaxes a bit thinner.
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not bad is the logo for a simulator game
Nope it’s not look at the name does it refers to simulator? If it does then see this
The theme, message and background concept fits perfectly with what the context is about, good job.
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Thank you very much! Glad my work can impress!