Game losing players quickly

We have spent 5 ad credits yesterday & we’re in the process of spending another 5. We’ve noticed a huge number of players are leaving the game instantly or in the first 5 minutes and I’m seeking feedback about why this might be happening. Is it a problem with the loading screen? the tutorial? or is the game just not good?
Any feedback is greatly supported. Thanks!
Here’s the game (Coding Simulator):


I havent played the game but just looking at thumbnail and title I can see why people don’t stay. AI thumbnail, simulator cash grab game it seems.


loading screen is low quality and everything just seems all over the place to me and saying that you can earn robux can make players want to leave because it could be a scam or something


Why would it be a scam. So you think that and the loading screen is the problem?


because roblox made a game specifically saying that free robux is a scam so people usually avoid that stuff and the loading screen is not very good and it gets boring very quickly


I couldn’t find any major problems, but here’s some stuff to improve:

  • Don’t use an AI thumbnail
  • Low quality and boring loading screen
  • Low quality dialogue and tutorial GUI (doesn’t matter that much)

The gameplay loop is very boring, could try adding some satisfying feedback to the player’s actions.


Big Games already has a huge audience of younger players and they probably don’t care about bringing in a few older players, but since your game is still quite new and needs all the players that you can get, I recommend using a better thumbnail which should lure in older audiences, you can use an AI thumbnail once the game gets popular enough.
This is just my theory, younger audiences wont care if you have an AI thumbnail, but older audiences most likely will, so if you want those extra players then I recommend experimenting with the thumbnail.


The game is very much targeted at a young audience though.


I’ve played the game for a bit now and for me, when your programming it’s too hard to recognise the keys/too much effort (maybe im just lazy). Players like to get stuff completed as fast as possible, and constantly having too look at your keyboard over and over again to see what key you have to press isn’t fast. Also keep in mind that the majority of players are on mobile. Consisting of an average of 70% of the player base, so unless the game has mobile support your losing out on a lot players


It has full mobile support you can just click on the keys on pc and tap on them for mobile


Joining the game, I was met with a terrible loading screen. Took atleast 1 minute to load, and that didn’t even load the whole game. Might be server lag but next.

Then, instantly, I got presented with a ‘Tutorial’ and the first step in it is “FREE ROBUX FOR PLAYTIME!! :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:” That makes people think it’s a scam and leave. And that’s where I left.

So I lost interest in 3 seconds because the game said you get free robux for playtime. And guess what? The 5 people on the leaderboard were just afking in the game.

So, yeah. There’s your advice. Also, I lost interest due to the AI generated icons & thumbnails.


I don’t understand how giving out free robux could possibly be a negative.


People will think it’s a scam. Games have done this before and have lost over <80% of their audience due to ‘giving out free robux’


There are still older (13-18) audiences who play simulators (surprisingly) and if you need players then you might as well try.


I’ll take it out the tutorial I think you might have a really good point and I really appreciate your feedback
Edit: new tutorial without robux is now in the game


Don’t take out the tutorial, just remake it. Only include the important things that starter players need to know. Then, you can add cutscenes when people walk over to more advanced places.

EDIT: Just saw your edit, I’ll check it out.


You could make programming a bit less of a pain by making the player click the screen and not press specific keys. Makes the entire procces a bit faster which i’m sure that the player will like.


You can just click the keys, does it not work?


Oh my bad, i didn’t know you could click them on PC.


Thanks everyone for the feedback, I’ve taken out the robux from the tutorial.
As for the AI thumbnail, I didn’t realise that It could make people lose interest? I mean, why would they lose interest from an AI thumbnail? Is it that the thumbnail looks bad?