Game Ratings Not Saving

Same here. It’s been happening since around Early 2023, and it still happens to me today. I tried to vote DriveWorld but I can’t, it’s not counting. Please fix this bug!


Can confirm, ratings are still not being counted after any amount of time, despite very clearly being saved/acknowledged as the website still has the like/dislike selected after refreshing.

Can we get an update on this @gigagiele? You said you were investigating it almost a whole year ago, the bug has been around for almost 2 whole years now, I can only assume after literally years of a bug existing that nobody ever started working on finding a fix.

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Yup, I’m experiencing this bug too, and it’s quite annoying.

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Still occurring, extremely detrimental and disappointing to receive no update from Roblox.

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I would like to note that this bug is still occurring, and has been impacting me off and on for the past year or so.

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Just to add to this, my player-base is complaining about the same thing. Up votes never being saved, but down votes save just fine.

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This is still happening, sadly.

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yea agreed

i really need a solution

without a solution i cant stay

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still cannot downvote any game


Its happening to me starting from 2021. I got no bans or warns prior.

Roblox lazy developers won’t even reply to this urgent topic.

Currently replicating for me, Windows 11 PC on Google Chrome

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Currently replicating for me, still prevalent in mid Feb 2024.

Would be great to receive word from Roblox as this issue has been unresolved for 2-3 years now and continuing!


Issue still happening as of 2024. I have tested it on the IOS mobile app and windows app. There is a popup saying 'Action not avaliable whenever i tried to like a game.

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