Game Saving Problem

Hey everyone! A while back, I built a library, but there is an issue and I don’t know how to fix it.

The issue: When I get in the game, it has what I built.

But when I go into studio, it’s not fully built and it has a bunch of missing stuff.


Keep in mind that I already tried reverting to previous versions, that did not work.


Select everything, then achor the build. Also try restarting Studio if studio is malfunctioning.

I tried doing that and also, as you can see the build in studio is not what I want, it’s the build in the game.

Did you use unions? Roblox sometimes has issues rendering Unions.

And there is literally nothing, everything is gone when I open it in studio.

Yes, how can I fix it? (30charssssssssssssss)

Try separating the union, the re-unioning the parts. You could also export the union and turn it into a mesh part.

How? because the unions are not even in workspace. It’s like a version from a long time ago in studio.

Also, the build that I have in studio is completely different. So it’s like an old version and I want it to update to the build that I see in game.

You may not be able to “see” the union in the workspace but you can still access it in the explorer.

If there’s a legitimate issue with Roblox Studio saving to Studio you can rollback your game to the version it’s published on while Roblox Studio is closed and reopen the Studio after a couple minutes.

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I don’t think you know what I’m talking about.

As I said, in studio it’s a completely different version

As I said, I already did that.

Honestly seems like you’re just opening a separate place then. Are you sure you’re not editing like maybe a local game you have saved to your computer instead of the published game (and the right published game if multiple)?

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I am not, I went to the game page and I clicked edit

Odd. Maybe a plugin that’s removing everything when you get on studio? This is unlikely but still 100% possible. Have you gotten any new plugins recently before this issue started occuring?

Not really, let me see


Yea none


Try looking in output, maybe it’s failing to load game assets. Or try republishing the game and opening that studio. Maybe, if you did make a local backup on your computer, open that and publish that as the game if the models are working fine.

Hi, there is no output errors besides this and how do I publish the game without going in studio?