As a roblox developer, it is currently too hard to create a proper multiplayer game with places that have varying max-player counts. In my game, Redshift Arena for example, there’s multiple maps that may be too small to contain 64 players, while on some of the larger maps, can support up to 150 players.
With the adding of a variable within a Universe’s settings, a developer could set their Universe to allow players to follow their friends into a place within a Universe that isn’t the start place. This would greatly improve the experience on Roblox for games that don’t have a single place, and would increase player retention for these types of games.
All in all, this would greatly improve the player experience, and open the door for games with varying maximum player counts. Other features already present on Roblox already encourage these types of games with the advent of Packages & LinkedSource scripts, and this being a feature would most certainly increase the player / developer experience on Roblox.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this!
As long as it was a setting, I’d be all for it. Especially if it was even supported by the party system.
Perhaps even an option where one could request that the player had a certain variable fulfilled before joining too (have a certain badge, be a certain level in-game, have a bool, etc).
Though that should be completely optional I think. And supported by party system? That would be amazing.
Of course, players wouldn’t be able to join reserved servers.
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This’d be a much welcomed feature.
From a group perspective universe games aren’t useful as a raiding group does not want to have to navigate your game to come raid you. Groups could use universes more adequately if this feature were out there.
Honestly, I feel it should’ve been a core setting when universes were implemented 6 years ago - unsure why it was never added. 
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I would like it if we were able to toggle this on a place by place basis as well, or some way to toggle this from within a server.
My reasoning is that I may have some places which I may not want a user to follow their friend into, but at the same time, have some places that I do.
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That would actually work much better than a Game Setting.
I propose there would be a button next to the places under Game Settings, and it would act like how the activate / deactivate button worked a year ago.
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