Game Size Concern

(read this post and it doesn’t help and I don’t want to bump it but from this post quoted below this is what i mean)

I’m more concerned about how big my game is because I want it to be good with realistic terrian (no part terrain like @TwentyTwoPilots’s other maps)

Here are the coordinates of areas of the map…


From 6,393 to 293,659 is a massive jump, and I’m mostly concerned about this jump.
I’m trying to make it good and detailed as possible without a huge lag.

Advice is welcomed.

Size of the game

This isn’t the full game but it’s an extent on how large it is.

I would not say map size would be a significant problem as there have been games with massive maps on Roblox before, the issue is more so the terrain.

Roblox Terrain is by no means performance-friendly and is costly when it comes to large-scale maps created with it.
The optimization of the terrain is by no means an easy task, quite a time-consuming one as well.

There are plenty of posts on DevForum that may help you with this daunting task if you do proceed with it.

The other alternative I would recommend that would also match your requirements may be mesh terrain, they can sometimes compete and even surpass Roblox terrain quality.

Really? I honestly thought it was the exact opposite. I thought it loads well due to StreamingEnabled and Roblox’s quality setting. Even the docs say that terrain is efficient.

Side anecdote: I used to play Roblox on a crappy phone (2gb RAM bad), and terrain maps would play somewhat smoothly.

Play driving simulator, The terrain generation is horrible when moving at high speed

Whoever wrote this document probably never considered you would attempt to make a map go out to 200,000 studs.

This performance they speak of was likely intended for a modest baseplate sized (512x512) game.

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I played driving simulator, and I didn’t see much of an issue. I had my graphics on max. The only “issue” I noticed was some delayed terrain loading.

That being said, for a normal open world game, I wouldn’t think that’s an issue, as slower movement gives more time for terrain to load.

This topic is interesting to me because I’ve been working on a terrain map for my game. Right now it’s may be too small for any major performance issues. The map is 4096x4096 studs. I plan on quadrupling this in the future, and I’m curious to know if that will have any major implications.

That delay is very detrimental to the gameplay, I quite literally can’t see where i’m driving. The range and speed at which terrain loads is slow which isn’t bad, but it’s the fact that that slowness cannot be adjusted at all

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