Game Title and Description keep reverting

Reproduction Steps

I update the description and/or title of my game. The new text shows when I load the game page, but after several minutes it gets reverted to the old text.

Expected Behavior

I expect the title and description text to remain as I most recently updated it.

Actual Behavior

Text gets reverted to previous version.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Emergency Response: Liberty County - Roblox
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Often
Date First Experienced: 2022-05-20 00:05:00 (-04:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-05-20 00:05:00 (-04:00)



I just noticed this, but after I update the title or description, and then I click on Configure Place again, it still shows the old text there, but shows updated text on the actual game page. This even happens if I wait several minutes after setting the text.

This still happens to me at the current time of 2022-05-21 11:07AM EST
Below is the image of the current title.
Screen Shot 2022-05-21 at 11.06.44 AM
When clicking “Configure Page” the title and description reverts back to its old version.

Hopefully these images help what mrfergie is trying to explain.

Is this happening for all of your experiences or just this one?


This happens for all experiences.


Yes this does sometimes happen to other places.


Could you post the name and description you were attempting to change to + the name and description its getting reverted to?


This happened to me yesterday
I wanted to change the name of my game,
then enter Roblox Studio and continue as before


We are seeing some resolution to this issue on our end. For anyone still having this issue, please post this following information:

Expected Game Name
Expected Game Description
Actual Game Name
Actual Game Description


Hello, here are the information for my game:
Expected Game Name: [x2🍀 + 1.5x🥚] Tapping Legends X
Expected Game Description:
:bell: Favorite and follow the game for updates! :bell:
Like Goal: Use code “30kcoolcode” in new servers! Next goal is 40k!
Use Code “heaven”!

Welcome to Tapping Legends X! This is the ultimate sequel to the classic Tapping Legends with much more features, improved designs, and more! Collect pets and explore new areas to explore new possibilities! Tap, tap, tap!

[:cloud:UPDATE 7!]

:paw_prints:11 NEW PETS
:question:2 NEW SECRETS!
:point_up_2:TAP SKINS! Unlock Skins for MULTIPLIERS!
:four_leaf_clover:30% MAX EGG LUCK COMBO! Used to be 20!
:egg:x4 OPEN GAMEPASS! Open 4 Eggs at ONCE!
:fire:4 NEW TITLES!

How to play:
:point_up_2: Click the middle button to get taps and hatch eggs!
:arrows_counterclockwise: Rebirth to get rubies and upgrade yourself!
:mag_right: Explore new areas for new eggs and pets!
:paw_prints: Collect paw tokens to upgrade other abilities!
:star: Fuse pets together to make them powerful!

:sparkling_heart: Shiny Star Games

Actual Game Name: [:hourglass_flowing_sand:5M] Tapping Legends X
Actual Game Description
:bell: Favorite and follow the game for updates! :bell:
Like Goal: Use code “30kcoolcode” in new servers! Next goal is 40k! Use Code “10m”!

Welcome to Tapping Legends X! This is the ultimate sequel to the classic Tapping Legends with much more features, improved designs, and more! Collect pets and explore new areas to explore new possibilities! Tap, tap, tap!

[:gem:UPDATE 6!]

:egg:10M EGG!
:question:2 NEW SECRETS!
:paw_prints:11 NEW PETS!
:star2:VIAL MACHINE! Spend VIAL TOKENS for any vial!
:moneybag:VIAL TOKENS!
:sparkles:3 NEW EXCLUSIVES!
:exclamation: NOTIFICATIONS! Rebirths, Achievements & Pet Inventory!
:small_blue_diamond:INVENTORY SHRINK! & MORE !

How to play:
:point_up_2: Click the middle button to get taps and hatch eggs!
:arrows_counterclockwise: Rebirth to get rubies and upgrade yourself!
:mag_right: Explore new areas for new eggs and pets!
:paw_prints: Collect paw tokens to upgrade other abilities!
:star: Fuse pets together to make them powerful!

:sparkling_heart: Shiny Star Games

Note: The actual game description and title posted above only can be seen by developers in “Configure Page”, however the expected game description and title is shown for players.

The update log specifically was where the expected and actual difference is for the description.

I get this issue too, and reverts no matter how many times I try and set it. It is random too, sometimes it lasts a few seconds, to an hour.


from my obversations on how descriptions work:
Roblox has seperate names and descriptions for places and experiences. From what i can tell, studio edits the Experience Description and name and Configure Place edits the Place Description and Name. Roblox’s XBOX app pulls information from the Experience so it might show old descriptions if you change descriptions with Configure Place. The website,windows app beta and mobile apps loads the configure place description but it favours the experience description. When changing the description using studio, it does not change the place description, only the experience description. Very confusing.

1 Like

Can we get an update on this? It also affects in game loading screen.

This is still being investigated. Thanks for the additional information.

@EddiePogster Is this issue temporary for you? (i.e. does it fix itself over time without action)

1 Like

It doesn’t fix overtime, the issue is still here, and my teammates have the same issue from different locations. It updates very slowly overtime.

This same error is happening to me. The description is updated on the page, but if I want to change it, the previous one is displayed.

On the page

In the configuration page

Hi there! So a little update from our experience about the issue, apparently the configure place now updates a bit faster, but still not with the current title. Here are some images:

This is the current title at the time of 10:25 a.m. EST
Screen Shot 2022-05-28 at 10.24.26 AM

Upone clicking configure place it shows this:
Screen Shot 2022-05-28 at 10.24.32 AM

This was better than before since it updated within the last 24 hours in configure place, while when we at first reported this bug it took more than 3 days to update. I hope this somewhat helps with the current timeline of this issue.

Configure Place is so broken at the moment, it reverts to weeks old data in the title and description edit boxes. This is a screen shot where you can see the title and game description, then what we see when we go to edit.

The edit text is like 2 weeks old.

Also it reverted our VIP server settings for some reason and disabled VIP servers.

This happens to everyone in our team.

Still having the same issue with this in our experience Get Big.

Sometimes the description saves for a day or so but it will eventually revert back to a two week old description if we visit the Configurate Place page.

Happened to me a couple of days ago. I tried to update the description but it would show as blank, it would only show on configure place.

Also issues with the recently played and rating systems.