Game Update Notification Analytics

Hi developers,

We are very excited to announce that we just released analytics that will enable you to see how many players your game updates are reaching! This will also help you optimize the timing and wording of your messages to get the best possible results.

To view your game update notification analytics:

  1. Go to the Configure Game page
  2. Switch to the Game Updates category

You will see a historical view of all your past game updates including views, play rate, and unfollow rate for each update sent. Keep in mind that older updates may not have data because we did not start collecting data in this format until recently.

Special thanks to @iriszh, @KurtisC_Roblox, @CrimsonShadowDivine, @zDedrid for building this feature. We have a few other small updates around game updates planned, such as removing the requirement that the game be public in order to send a game update. Let us know if there are any other changes you would like to see with game updates.


This is a great change that will certainly help developers creating better notifications!

One little annoyance I have with the Game Update Notifications is that there is a strict ‘one per 7 days’ limit, which is very unforgiving in case of game issues, platform issues, or when accidentally missing one of your scheduled notification/update dates which will offset your potential future dates as well.

It would be fantastic if the limit could be more relaxed, or if unused notifications would be stored (up to a low limit) for future use.

Another interesting addition that would benefit both developers and players would be to display the most recent game update notification above or below the description on the game detail page. This will give returning players a heads-up of new content or provide new players with a brief ‘sign of life’, without requiring the developer to update the description of the game. This latter practice has become more difficult with the addition of localized game metadata.


This is really helpful!

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Thank you thank you thank you!! Soo useful!!

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I completely agree. This was something that was noted while the update notifications system was still in beta and it was said that this might be changed in the future but it’s remained at the strict “one per week” limit. Would be nice to see this be removed or made less strict.
People might abuse it if the limit is removed but in that case, users can simply unfollow.


I’ve been wanting this since the game update notifications came out! Thanks Roblox, another great update!

this help text gets cut off and that genuinely bothers me
otherwise, great update!


Very useful feature. :slight_smile:

As others have mentioned, having a strict 7 day limit is a little rough. It would be nice if I updated the game on sunday at 6 that I could then update next week on sunday at 4


Great stuff!

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Thank you for this feature! :smiley:


Pretty cool feature to know what updates people love, and if you send your notifications too much within the one week or once a month :wink:

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Great update!

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This is a very helpful feature! It will help a lot with game notifications and keeping track of them

It would be nice to see how many people are currently following your game so that you can have a roundabout idea of how many people you can possibly reach. Also, desktop and mobile game update notifications would be amazing!


This is very helpful update, can’t wait to us it thanks for the announcement.

Is there any way to get the number of people following the game? I know we have favorites but if followers are not currently shown anywhere they should also be added to the Game Updates page.


Seems like a very useful feature! The 7 day limit is a bit much in my opinion. It defiantly would be abused without a limit. But I like Wsly’s idea on how to regulate it. I will defiantly be using it when I release my game. :grinning:

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Maybe something to see how many people are following your game would be nice, otherwise this is great, so now I know people are actually seeing my post.

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This is definitely a great step in the right direction! Are there any plans on incorporating A/B testing functionality to the update notifications as well? This would allow developers to gather more meaningful data in a quicker time - at the moment, it could take months (what with the 7 day cooldown) for developers to start to ascertain what does and does not work in regards to wording, frequency, and timing.

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