Game update page + Subscribe to game updates


Our complete inability as developers to efficiently communicate updates is hurting new player experience on Roblox and lowering the quality of the front page.


I agree emojis and updates in game titles look extremely unprofessional. It looks even worse when your browser does not support all of the emojis! I especially hate when I have to do it with my own games because we have no other way of letting the community know that there is a sale or big update.

Having an update log that players can subscribe to would solve this issue immediately, and I really hope Roblox engineers are actively working on making this feature request become a reality. Iā€™ve been awaiting months for an update like this.


We all are :disappointed_relieved:


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Front page is outta hand


I agree but this isnā€™t a good solution if thatā€™s what youā€™re inferring. I enjoy the ability to see updates/patches directly from the games page, even if it looks unprofessional. All this change would do is force developer to use icons to show off updates (increased traffic duh) or continue to rely on this practice. Definitely would defeat the purpose.

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And boom, its comingā€¦ Just look in the roadmap.


Live for Beta users! Yee haw.


After a loong time, this feature is finally here!.. sorta.

Weā€™re constrained to a single update per week, and we canā€™t use more than 60 characters. Hopefully these insane limitations will be lifted.


Itā€™s only in Beta right now so I donā€™t doubt those will change. Excited for this update.

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Yeah, the limitation are kinda a bust :frowning:

Problem with this limit is this will cause people to try and make the most outrageous notifications with emojis, crazy text, etc. to try and clickbait people to replay their game. Iā€™d rather we have the ability to fully explain updates or at least give a good & quick explanation of an update. 60 characters is just so littleā€¦

And with the week limit, this is kind of disappointing. If a BIG ISSUE arrises, and we need to update the community, it would be nice to have it lifted entirely. If devs abuse this update system, people will just unfollow the game.

Hopefully they take our words into consideration :slight_smile:


Yes, exactly. Same with the character limit. Let devs police themselves by being scared of pushing away players with constant meaningless spam notifications or entire books worth of update news


Almost two years later. My thoughts:


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