current poll:
right now i’m making a bank robbery system and i’m trying to keep its genericism to a minimum
what you’re going to see below is a bank obstacle spammed with lasers and one laser sweeping the floor, trying to kill the player(s), and there is smoke that will try to obstruct the player’s view
inside the obstacle, there are 3 tnt detonators that the player(s) must press to open up a vault which the player(s) need to do some safe and deposit box cracking in order to earn pending funds
i will have cops waiting at the bank’s door until the player(s) exit, as a placeholder i’m using an npc free model for now since i’m trying to make my own swat npc
when a player turns in the funds earned from the bank robbery, the police force “gives up” and they all despawn
any feedback or suggestions you have to improve the gameplay while keeping the genericism to a minimum?
edit: i forgor to mention that the lasers excluding the transitioning one fades in and out