I recently (Yesterday) made another post (Rating on my main menu UI) on how did I do for the Main Menu of this game, I received some very helpful feedback that I have implemented. If some of the scripts don’t work, it is perfectly fine and a minor scripting error on my side, test the gameplay here…Altitude - Roblox | Please also note, if you enter the end of the game, it is not finished and we will proceed to progress in development, Altitude is not finished, we will also proceed to progress the mountains into bigger ones. if UI is broken please tell us, we will fix that.
Feedback I’m looking for… How does the game feel on mobile/computer? Does it become more difficult as you progress? Do you like the style (Personal choice)? What can I add if the gameplay doesn’t feel right? What features/mechanics can I add? Remember, you can express yourself fully, I will not take anything personally.
Hi there, I just tried out your game and I like the idea of it, but there were a couple things that felt off to me. The immediate restriction on jumping I do not think is a good idea. The levels already can’t be accomplished by traditional parkour so turning off jumping just feels very arbitrarily restrictive. Also its super annoying when Im in a situation like this
And I have to fidget with clicking on a tree for a couple seconds instead of just hopping over the tiny gap. I remember the ladder climbing game removed jumping, but in that case the ladder was good replacement for a jump, since if there was a tiny gap you just placed down the ladder. In this case though, the grapple is not really a good substitute since it is only really good for moving through large distances and very very bad at short distances.
Second thing is that the grappling hook can kind of be used to just fly. If you spam the grapple button over and over you basically fly up mountain-sides. I’d recommend making it so that you have to be standing on something to use it, or put a short 2-3 second cooldown on how often you can shoot the grapple.
The last thing I had a problem with was ascending a mountain-side and then arbitrarily dying. I eventually figured out this was because I had run into a thorny bush (?) or ran into a rock too fast while ascending. Even while trying to avoid this it still felt like I was dying kind of without reason. One thing that was very frustrating is if I try to stand on the edge of a rockface on the first big rock wall section, I immediately die. I assume that’s a bug though.
As for the overall feel of the gameplay: if the game is meant to be played slow and methodically, there is not a lot in place right now to encourage this. Most of the time the solution is just to keep clicking up the rock face if you’re on a rockwall, otherwise spam click the trees. The way to play that is most fun is when you’re kind of web swinging on the trees, that was really fun when I could manage it! If the gameplay is meant to be more fast-paced though, I’d recommend adding a short wall run / climb so that when you reach the top of some of the cliff-faces, you aren’t slowly inching up by grappling faces 4-5 studs away. Also I’d recommend turning off dying from non-extreme circumstances. It is terrible to get sent back to the very beginning because you accidentally ran into some sort of “kill block” or hit something too fast. Make it instead so that the player is ragdolled and falls back or something like that.
The style of the game is very good though, I like the aesthetic and it’s a very comforting environment to be climbing in. I also think its cool that there are a few landmarks you can visit as you climb, I don’t get the sense of it being repetitive at all. I can see the gameplay becoming really fun, though at the moment though some bugs and a few quality of life things get in the way of that.
Thank you, I will implement a lot of this, the grappling hook cooldown seems like a very good idea for this, we want this game to be strategic and difficult… Jumping will be added back but not will full force. We actually have a climbing system in the works right now, so that will also be implemented. But, thank you for taking time to give us feedback!