I made this UI today, and I wanted to see how people would react to it. My main questions are… Does it look easy to use and navigate? Is it a good main menu? What do I add to it without making it look like a crappy cashgrab or cluttering the UI too much? And give me a rating of how I did (If you want).
That looks insane and seems like it would fit the kind of style of game you’re going for.
I’d say so. The wider buttons and brighter colored backgrounds grab more attention than the Credits button. I assume that’s intentional. Maybe the title could be bigger than the update stuff itself, it does look fine as is though. I’d say to make all the text the same font, but again, it’s looking good right now.
The job of a main menu is to be a space for the player to navigate various menus. That being a ‘play game’ button, options menu, or whatever else the developer wants to put in it (within reason). So, I’d say it does that job well based on what I know from the post alone.
Roblox has its own settings menu, so there often isn’t a need for a main menu in Roblox games. I will also add that a part of Roblox is getting into the action/fun as quick as possible. That factors into why many games shouldn’t or don’t have main menus in Roblox. I do like when games have them though, but they should be more than a title and a ‘play game button’.
Having keybind or prompt customization is always nice. Background music versus sound effect sliders too. Maybe that can be housed in an options menu or extras menu.
Thank you, this is all very good advice for us. My team doesn’t usually work with UI, so it can be hard for us to come up with ideas. A options/settings is a good idea, since there are parts I need to fill up, for example…
But again, thank you for the good information.
This Main Menu UI looks VERY GOOD! NICE JOB ON IT!
Not bad but I hate how the buttons are… ssttrreettcchheedd… Try tiling the image, that would help it a lot. I would also suggest using the Silkscreen font as itt would better match your game.
I would suggest changing how this layout concept you made here. It would make everything cluttered and would make it look bad. A good thing you could do is to put the credits and options button on the bottom right/left of the screen, remove the adventure and server list button and combine them into one button which opens a screen for both by showing the server list above and an adventure button below. We already have much more space so put the store button below the adventure button and increase the text size a tiny bit. I would also suggest to make the game name the same font as the one for the update text.
These are just some tips but it’s up-to you to implement them or not. As once upon a time, a wise man once said to me (not gonna tell his name to respect privacy) that my replies are even more worthless than those from IGN soo… yea…
Thank you, this game is a single player game so that’s why we added a server list button. Nothing is final on this UI too. But thank you again for sharing your opinions with us! The stretched buttons are a on purpose design, it does look a lot better in game. One problem I have with the silkscreen font is that it seems so plain, and we are kind of going for a old roblox / arcade style. I am also in the process of designing a custom font just for this game, although It will be a bit difficult since I can’t upload custom fonts.