This issue has been troubling me for many months now, and so I find myself frequently thinking about it. During these times, I have thought of a few things which might contribute to the problem. Of course, I have no insider knowledge of how the Roblox experiences algorithm works and why it broke so much last year, this is just my considerations.
I first question if it is possible Roblox is throttling R6 games. As an active community member on Roblox since 2011, I personally cannot stand R15’s art style and animations. For this reason, I leave my experience on R6. It is no secret that Roblox would like us to move to using R15. Therefore, I wonder if it is possible that at some point, Roblox decided to begin favoring R15/Rthro/3D Clothing compatible experiences over R6 ones in search results. If this is the case, it is something we need to be informed about so that we may have the most tools at our disposal to determine the future of our experiences.
I secondly wonder if it is possible experiences are sorted based on their use of new and beta Studio options. I remember in the past when Roblox decided to throttle experiences that did not opt to use Filtering Enabled, when that was optional. I wonder now if it possible it filters experiences not using things like adaptive timestepping and deferred signal behavior. My experience continues to use fixed timestepping and immediate signal behavior because these options work best for me, based on performance and bugs. I’m afraid adaptive timestepping especially is far too buggy to use. Perhaps more likely, I wonder if it is possible Roblox throttles experiences that are not compatible with Rthro, 3D clothing, and MeshPartHeadsAndAccessories. After all, some percentage of Roblox users pay for 3D clothing and presumably expect it to work in all experiences. Perhaps voice chat being enabled or disabled could also be taken into account, but I would hope not due to the restrictive server size limits for using voice chat in your experience. I will also include in this category the new TextChatService. Again, if it is true that Roblox throttles the search algorithm based on these options, we should be informed so that we can use that information to consider making changes to our “legacy” experiences in the future.
Thirdly, I wonder if it is possible that all of the translations of an experience’s title and description are used in the metadata for the experience search algorithm. What I mean by that is if you have your experience translated from English into Spanish, the text from both of those translations is used by the algorithm. I have to say that I hope this is not the case. The Roblox text filter simply does not work with non-English languages, and I am completely unable to translate my experience’s description into other languages due to this. Anyways, I suppose this option is a stretch, but I have at times felt paranoid and that me translating my experience’s information may actually hurt it on search results, or at least for English search results. Reassurances that this is not the case would be very valuable for me.
This topic is very near and dear to me because until mid-to-late 2022, my experience was in the top 10 search results for “army” and since then, has been drastically bumped down, currently to number 409. This has, as you can imagine, dramatically reduced the amount of new players joining my experience, easily reducing it by a factor of 10. Bizarrely, even if I assume every single point I’ve listed above is true, there are still dozens of experiences with less players, less likes, less favorites, and less visits listed far above my own experience.
It is my sincere hope, sir, that something in this post does some small effort in helping you all deduce the issue that I and many other users have experienced since last year. If something I listed here is correct and does affect the algorithm, for example using R6 or voice chat, etc. I would ask that you please let us know so that we can make informed decisions about what technologies to use in our experience. Please keep us up to date and know that I am very grateful for any work put into solving this issue. It would be my great honor and pleasure to help in any way I can, if necessary.