Hey guys i want to get a list of a game’s onsale devm products.
i have a url that i can get the gamepasses but i dont know how to get the dev products. can someone point me to something?
for the game passes i use something like
local GamepassesUrl = "https://games.roproxy.com/v1/games/%s/game-passes?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100&cursor=%s"
but i cannot find an end point for dev products ive tried
local DeveloperProductsUrl = "https://games.roproxy.com/v1/games/%s/developer-products?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100&cursor=%s"
local DeveloperProductsUrl = "https://games.roproxy.com/v1/games/%s/developerproducts?sortOrder=Asc&limit=100&cursor=%s"
The api endpoint for your request is https://apis.roblox.com/developer-products/v1/universes/UniverseId/developerproducts?pageNumber=1&pageSize=1000
Now, there doesn’t seem to be a limit to pageSize from what I have tested. I suggest setting it to high values like 1000 if you are trying to get all dev products from a game as this api doesn’t support pagination tokens and the only way to know if a nextPage exists is to use another http request to check for a different pageNumber.
Yes, roblox does not allow http requests to its own platform so just like your examples you have to use proxies like roproxy for your request. Replace the roblox part with roproxy.
As for the api endpoint I realized it requried authenticaton so use this one instead: https://apis.roblox.com/developer-products/v1/developer-products/list?universeId=UniverseId&page=1, this endpoint includes a key named “FinalPage” to determine if it is the last page. Each page returns 50 arrays containing developer product info.