Get access list of users / join permissions of a specific VIP server

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to know if a VIP server is Friends Only, or certain people can join, or both.

Without this system, it makes integrating TeleportService:ReserveServer() (within universes) impossible with Roblox’s built in VIP server system when respecting which people are allowed.

I have a game that teleports players using VIP servers to a ReservedServer from the menu. I have to be forced to make my own VIP server system AND my own list system which is a lot of extra work, or deal with friends randomly joining someone’s private server (through an in-game menu) when the user doesn’t allow friends.

It would be nice to get access list of users and the join permissions of a specific VIP server. I imagine something like DataModel:GetPrivateServerAccessList(string PrivateServerId), an async function that returns a dictionary, in the format like this:


   IsFriendsAllowed = boolean,
   AccessList = { ... } 
   -- an array of UserIds from the usernames 
   -- that were inputted in the VIP server panel


PrivateServerId is the string from game.PrivateServerId but Ids from different private servers can be used.