Hey, I’ve recently been working with roblox groups and roblox GroupService, however I haven’t found a way to get the amount of players in a group and how to get the group description. I have searched the forums, and have found some http link, however when I tried using it I got an error as I have never worked with httpService before. How would I get the amount of players in a group and get the group description?
You can use GetGroupInfoAsync in order to do this although you’ll need to use HttpService to get the amount of members.
Did you manage to find these?
Yes, but I just got the error https://groups.roblox.com/v1/groups/5169518/users?sortOrder=Asc&limit=10&cursor={ReturnedNextPageCursor}: Trust check failed
so I wasn’t sure if that was the way to do it or not.
What can I use GetGroupInfoAsync for? The group description?
Yep, it basically returns a table of some group info such as creator name, group name, etc.
Ok thanks, I will use that for the group description